Saturday, April 2, 2011

Two Important Messages from The Vortex: Know the enemy and defend the faith!

All faithful Catholics need to recognize what is happening in the Church and what we can do about it. Michael Voris is speaking prophetically in these two episodes of The Vortex. Know and defend the truth. If that means naming names and "unmasking the enemies," do it! As Voris says, many of these individuals are a "danger to your faith." Fight them.


  1. What a double feature! Outstanding! Bless you, Michael, and bless you, Mary Ann!

  2. I think he is such a grandstander that I have trouble listening to him even when the message is valid. The visual aids are like Cliff Notes for television, which I find condescending. Not a fan.

  3. I *am* a fan of Mr. Voris and all of those who work at RealCatholicTV.

    Grandstanding? Condescending?

    You mean like your post, Anonymous @ 4:11?

    He speaks the truth and is unabashedly forthright for a reason......because in most places the One True Faith is *not* being preached - so he is calling them out on it.

    I know of one lovely lady who left her Latin Rite parish there in Albany just like Michael points out.

    She told me about how one bi-ritual priest (from the Melkite tradition) was scandalized by the number of (un-necessary) extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion when he went to celebrate his first Latin Rite Mass in that diocese (in the Melkite Rite - *only* the ordained may touch the Sacred Host).

    She left the Latin Rite and had herself canonically transferred to the Melkite Rite. (and I would too if there was an Easter Rite parish less than two hours from my home)

    Keep posting the RCTV videos, Mary Ann.

    I for one am grateful for them and I pass them on.

    Catechist Kevin

  4. Good ole Voris is fond of his own voice more than anything. His comments regarding democracy and the right to vote (which he has since tried to conceal) show him for the bigot that he is.

    And that's bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices (Merriam Webster).

    He does not speak for the majority of the faithful.

    And if you don't want to be a Roman Catholic, then switch to another rite. But why should the rest of us have to go back to the old ways?

  5. Actually, Voris is right about the dangers of democracy. A pure democracy always collapses because the majority ends up as parasites on the minority. The founders did not put in place a democracy, but a constitutional republic. Unfortunately, we no longer operate as one but are an oligarchy ruled by activist courts. And since Obama became president we are looking more like a tyranny.

    It will all be a moot point when the country collapses which which may not be too far off. You cannot be in debt to the degree we are without eventually collapsing economically.

    Not sure what "old ways" you are talking about, Jen.

  6. So you agree with this statement of his:

    "Now the only way to run a country is by benevolent dictatorship. A Catholic monarch who protects his people from themselves and bestows on them what they need. Not necessarily what they want."

    Because I do not (and yes, I've seen the whole video). However, I am done with this topic. As I've said before, this is your show and you have the right to blog about whatever you want. I do not think Mike Voris is worth getting all worked up about.

  7. I'm perfectly happy with the government the founders put in place, a constitutional republic. Unfortunately, we are having a hard time "keeping it" as Ben Franklin warned as the tyranny of the activist courts shows so graphically.
