Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wonkette Attacks Trig Palin: Advertisers Drop Site!

UPDATE: Wonkette took the page down after about 25 advertisers pulled off of the site. Clicking on the link below gives you a message "page not found."

Wonkette, the liberal D.C. blogger, ran a post ridiculing Trig Palin on his birthday. (See here...) The despicable post resulted in an immediate backlash and loss of several advertisers including Papa Johns, Vanguard, and Huggies. Good for them! Ninety percent of Downs babies are murdered in the womb thanks, in part, to the prejudice shown by people like Jack Stuef who wrote the post.

Now I have never read Wonkette's blog, so this was my first visit. I had to take a shower when I was finished. The site overflows with articles using gratuitous ridicule. For example, a post on D.C. in the summer takes a slap at both Passover and Easter (and presumably those who celebrate them):
Happy third day of Passover to all our Jewish friends and a hoppy almost Easter to “everyone else!” Jews eating matza and the celebration of when Jesus returned to say “howdy” to all his followers before going away again are two exciting occasions that mark fertility, horny rabbits, and most importantly, spring.
This is what passes for humor on the Wonkette website which substitutes contempt and ridicule for reasoned argument. Wonkette especially hates Sarah Palin in an almost mad-dog, foaming at the mouth style. It is truly ugly, playing to the liberal mob.

But can that possibly be true? After all, liberals are nice, even nicer than nice. We know this because they tell us so all the time. Conservatives, on the other hand, are mean and cruel. They want old people to eat dog food and children to be deprived of health care. (They probably kick their pets too.)

The post on Trig Palin stripped the mask of compassion off these troglodytes.


  1. Beautiful baby! Reminds me of friends' son Nik for whom people predicted doom and gloom 30 years ago.

  2. I just finished reading Wonkette's post and all the commnents. Now I know what you mean about had to go take a shower. I'm shocked, sad, and disgusted by some of the comments, but not surprised. It's a wicked world we live in.

  3. What beautiful pictures of Sara Palin and her family, including Trig. My grandmother had her sins right along with the rest of us, but she told me, "Never make fun of the handicapped because there but for the grace of God go you." I never forgot that. I have worked over the years, before I retired, with hundred of children, but the three who names I have never forgotten are Walter, Patrick and Christoper (Chris). They had Down Syndrom. I used to take Patrick from the schoolbus when he was about three and sit down by him and give him his lunch while the other children in daycare were sleeping. I never have forgotten his sweet little face as he sat there quietly eating his lunch.

  4. The people who are always calling the names are calling them because of the demons within them. It is sad that there are so many people possessed, not in the sense of the Exorcist, but in a more tentative sense of seeking their meaning in all the wrong things and all the wrong ways.

    I'm reminding of something C.S. Lewis said about originality as a goal:
    Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.
    --- that's the quote I found, but I think there's another that talks about doing a thing as well as you can because you love it and then discovering you have been original.

    The point I want to make is that it's about false goals. "Originality" is a poor goal. Something isn't good because it is original, it is original because it is so good. That's the difference between the worldlings and those whose sights are set beyond.

  5. Please forgive my misspellings of "hundreds","whose" and "Syndrome" in my post at 1:19 PM. I was in a hurry and did not check well, but that is something an ex-instructional assistant and daycare worker should not do.
