Friday, May 27, 2011

The dancing nun -- showing off her legs and her panties!

Ai yi yi! St. Teresa of Avila, great reformer of dissident religious orders, pray for them!

Vatican shuts down monastery where dancing nuns performed


  1. At the 3:15 spot and on, was that an altar in the background? I didn't notice any priest or vessels on it, so hopefully a Mass wasn't blasphemed. I truly regret that she got kids to dance with her towards the end, corrupting their understanding of authentic worship. By the way - one will often hear music like that at evangelical or charismatic events, music that is NOT conducive to true worship.

  2. Wow, that was terrible. Botht the "music" and dancing were mediocre.

  3. And the male Priests of the Old Testament were told not to have long steps going up to the altar, so they would not expose themselves even in their long robes. Its all about this egotistical woman not God, and what is wrong with the people who put up with this? Even most Pentacostals act better.

  4. Sorry! Misspelled it. That's Pentecostals.

  5. Hey, did you hear about that famed old prostitute, Mary? She's out in the desert, naked! Can we really think she is sorrowful after all?

    St Mary of Egypt, pray for us!

  6. St.Mary of Egypt was out in the desert and stayed there. She was not in a church dancing with children and twirling her dress up with her underwear showing. The Protestant women I have seen on film liturgically dancing all have a pair of tights or pants on under their long gowns. Send this nun off to the desert, too, then she can pray for us.

  7. By the way, St. Mary of Egypt's clothes fell off from decay. She did not just take them off.

  8. Anonymous on May 30 at 11:42 AM, we do not really want to send this poor woman off to the desert, we just want her to act with some decorum and decency, especially around children. The Holy Mass is not a time for any of us to make a spectacle of ourselves and hold others captive, but a time to worship and honor our Lord. This woman would probably have been better off in a marriage instead of trying to be a nun.
