Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Great Blog Post from Austin Catholic New Media

Some of my favorite people live in Austin, TX -- namely my son, his wife, and five of our grandchildren. I'm really proud of Martina for studying and defending the faith so articulately and to my son, Neil, for inspiring her with the example of P90X. Go for the gold!

My Priest, My Coach

Two years ago my husband made the decision to take control of his health by doing P90X, a ridiculously intense workout system that takes 90 days to complete. Instructor Tony Horton invaded our home for three rounds {9 months, give or take}. He then moved onto Insanity with Shaun T. and has recently started Insanity – The Asylum. If you think I’m promoting these programs, you’d be wrong. I look at Tony and Shaun and see that while they are the guide for the program, you have to be a willing participant and follow it to a “T” if you are going to get the maximum benefit. They are unchanging in their approach because they have a tried and true method. They are unapologetic. They want you to “Bring It” or “Dig Deeper.” Anything short of that is a waste of your time.

So, you can imagine how the following exchange would go between Shaun T. and one of the participants on the video:
Participant: “Um, so, I was wondering if you could be nicer to me and expect less because I have no reason to ‘dig deeper.’ I just want to do this program my own way…except I want the same results that you obviously work hard for.”

I won’t even answer for Shaun T. because I imagine it would be lots of yelling and ugly words, followed by suicide drills. Lots and lots of suicide drills.
How does this really tie into our Faith?  See more here...

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