Sunday, May 15, 2011

Seek God's Forgiveness: It's There for the Asking!

The only sin God can't forgive is the one that is unrepented. If you've had an abortion or helped someone get an abortion, run to the Lord of Life and ask for his forgiveness. Remember, he leaves the ninety-nine sheep for the one lost. Don't remain in opposition to the God who loves you so much. Seek his forgiveness. It's there for the asking. Just look at the cross where his arms are open wide. He's already paid for our sins. If you're Catholic go to confession. The priest, speaking with the voice of Christ, will rejoice over your sorrow for sin and will offer you the healing that can only come from reconciliation with the Lord of Life. Don't wait!

Please pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy today, for all those involved in killing babies waiting to be born.

1 comment:

  1. I try to remember to say a special prayer every night "for those I don't like, am mad at, or don't want to pray for." Abortionists fall into that category.
    Whoever came up with the one-liner "Satan loves abortion" is a genius.
