Thursday, June 9, 2011

Another "Gay" Priest Caught in the Act

I keep waiting for evidence that the scandals are behind us. Thank God if fewer children are being raped and otherwise diddled, but the problem of active "gays" in the priesthood goes on. See here for more. Every time I see one of these stories I'm angry all over again about Fr. Haley being booted for exposing the "gay" priest problem in the Diocese of Arlington. Where is Fr. Haley, Bishop Loverde? And how many of our "gay" diocesan priests who've left are being supported by the diocese?


  1. Do you put the word gay in quotes because you know that these priests are pedophiles and not simply homosexual or because you are among those who are in denial that homosexuality is not a choice but a fact of a person's existence? Sexuality is not for children, no matter if you are homosexual or heterosexual. Those who abuse children are sick and being gay has nothing to do with it. Most pedophiles identify themselves as heterosexual.

  2. Pedophilia had little to do with the sex abuse scandals. Actually most of the priests who molested youngsters targeted adolescent boys according to the John Jay Study. They were not pedophiles, but ephebophiles.

    As for same-sex attraction I agree that it may not be chosen, however the decision to engage in the perverted behavior IS a choice, just as a heterosexual decision to fornicate or commit adultery is a choice. No one has a right to immorality. And if a gay person molests young men, how is possible for being gay to have "nothing to do with it?" That defies logic.

  3. The notion that any activity is not a choice is to suggest that you are a mindless animal and not a human being.

    Being attracted to another person of the same sex used to be called friendship and in Greek philia for the kind of love shared by brothers, fraternal love ... but no. Now that the lunatic fringe is destroying the culture and turning everyone into a slave to their hormones you can't have friends without some idiots assuming your homosexuals.

    The modern society is sick,deeply and tremblingly sick. And the noting that homosexuality is "natural" is a modern idea to excuse what is a developmental disorder, often enough caused by pedophilia in the first place.

    Perhaps we ought to go back to a society that teaches people to control their emotions and their behavior before all these animal tendencies cause the civilization to collapse.

  4. We have a few priests in our diocese that are obviously homosexual. What I don't understand is why they have never been instructed by the bishop to work on stopping their "campy" ways. Do you know what I mean? When the hips swish when they walk, and things like that.

  5. Tom, I appreciate your courage in sharing the truth in your comment. God Bless you.
