Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Archbishop Vigneron Warns Catholics to Avoid Heretics' Meeting in Detroit

In a strongly worded letter issues June 3rd, Archbishop Vigneron has warned his priests and flock to avoid the upcoming meeting of the American Catholic Council to be held this weekend in Detroit. The dissent fest of heretics on parade is filled with groups and speakers who  promote abortion, contraception, and the homosexual lifestyle -- all things they justify according to "primacy of conscience." The archbishop refused permission for the group to celebrate Mass and explained his reasons in the letter:
To confirm the legitimacy of what they had planned, the ACC had been asked to provide details regarding this liturgy. The response received was ambiguous, and there are good reasons for believing forbidden concelebration will take place by the laity and with those not in full communion with the Church.
According to LifeSite News:
Archbishop Vigneron emphasized that he has not given permission for the conference’s “Eucharistic Liturgy,” as required by Church law. He said that concelebrating in the liturgy may result in “dismissal from the clerical state.”
Wow! A bishop who isn't afraid to call evil evil! Thank you, Your Excellency!

The ACC is just one more gathering of the same old dissenters from Call to Action, Voice of the Faithful, Dignity, Women's Ordination Conference, etc. Their message is warmed over modernist claptrap condemned for over a century. Their "Catholic Bill of Rights" is a travesty claiming the right of all to engage in "ministerial leadership" whatever that means. Judging from past action, one has to presume that everybody can be a priest or that no priest is necessary because the laity can celebrate the Eucharist without one. The Bill of Rights also sanctifies "informed conscience" (never defined) which, to them, means throwing out whatever Church doctrines you don't happen to fancy and saying your conscience made you do it. They also demand the right to choose their own leaders. (Martin Luther clones would no doubt be high on the list.)
Let's face it. ACC is unrecognizable as Catholic because it isn't. And Archbishop Vigneron has unmasked them. Good for him!

Please pray in thanksgiving for a bishop who takes seriously his obligation to teach, sanctify, and rule in his diocese. And also pray for these poor deluded slaves of the evil one. When you shake your fist at the Church, you shake your fist at God.

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