Monday, June 13, 2011

Are These the People You Want Teaching Your Children?

Calif. High School Rejects Bible-Verse Bricks, Bails on Fundraiser

You've seen them -- donor bricks. It's an easy way to raise money. And this school was in high gear until two women decided to inscribe personal messages that included scripture passages. Out came the censors talking about separation between church and state -- but that doesn't apply to personal messages. So what's going on here? Either the school principal hates Christianity -- or he is totally ignorant of the Constitution. In either case it calls into question his competency. Where is the often touted call for tolerance and diversity? You rarely see any of it for Christians. The folks involved in cancelling this fundraiser and banning the Bible quotes explain the origin of the expression "dumb bricks."

1 comment:

  1. Or, "dummer n' a stick" where I grew up in Oklahoma.
