Friday, June 17, 2011

Blacks picket NAACP in Harlem!

Harlem parents don't care what color the teachers are or whether they belong to the NEA or AFT; they just want a quality education for their kids. Good luck, folks! Unless you are willing to deep six the liberal establishment that embraces union thugs (and their money), expect failing schools. They don't care about you as long as they can keep you on their liberal plantation pulling the democrat lever. It used to be illegal to educate blacks for fear they would take over. Liberals have the same mindset although they talk the talk of equality. Just look at the inner city schools for proof. Keep 'em dumb and democrat. (N.B. Don't construe this comment as support for Republicans. I'm with Chesterton who had little respect for either Hudge, the liberal, or Gudge, the conservative.)

See Blacks Picket The NAACP
Here's a taste from the article:
Apparently, a huge number of parents in Harlem believe the quality of education their children are getting is more important than the color of the skin of their teachers. They were demanding better schools — even if that meant a bunch of black teachers lost their jobs.... 
Officials in New York City decided to do something about this sorry situation. They announced plans to close 22 of the worst-performing schools in the city. That was enough to get the teacher’s union riled up. But what really put the union on the warpath was when those same city officials said they would permit charter schools to operate in some of the buildings that would soon be vacant.
But charter schools don’t hire members of the teacher’s union. They don’t guarantee teachers jobs for life or steady increases in pay and benefits every year, no matter how badly the teachers do their jobs. Charter-school teachers get paid based on results — not on tenure or political clout....
And if you really want to see some positive changes in our schools, end the monopoly by union thugs and their political buddies. Open up education to competition. Give more money to those who do a better job and less to those who don’t or can’t.

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