Friday, June 17, 2011

The Latest on Fr. Corapi, "The Black Sheep Dog"

Fr. Corapi expects to be suspended indefinitely. Judging from the priests I've known who've experienced adversarial relationships with their bishops, he is probably right. Bishops hold all the cards. Accused priests have few rights. I don't know whether Father is guilty or not, but I do know priests have a right to face their accusers and know what they are accused of. What Fr. Corapi is describing in terms of the procedures squares with what happened to Fr. Haley. The injustice of it cries out to heaven.

Check out The Black Sheep Dog for "John Corapi's" statement. Sad ending.


  1. I love watching all the "high end" Catholic bloggers piling on Corapi.

    Mark Shea (I really haven't visited that nasty little man in years but stumbled on his Corapi post) is the worst with a close second by The Anchoress.

    I left a comment on both blogs stated that the process was very flawed and both Elizabeth and Mark lashed out at me in a most ugly way. It's one of the reasons I don't blog about Catholic stuff anymore.

    I have been a witness, up close and very personal, to what can happen to a priest wrongly accused. The Church and our bishop threw him under the bus and that was that.

    The system, since they put together the process in Dallas, is horrendously unfair and ugly.

  2. We need to throw a lot of bishops under the bus. That's the problem. It's systemic and until it is corrected the church is in significant trouble.

    I hope Fr. Corapi is innocent, but given the procedures or lack thereof practiced by the church we'll likely never know.

    It is ironic that the legal procedures which are practiced in American courts actually have historical roots in the Inquisition which offered the accused more rights than priests that are accused today. Simply outrageous!

  3. Adrienne, I logged on to write the same thing. The only way I can understand it is that these people (Shea, Akin, Scalia et als.) are on someone's payroll. When the powers that be want to crush someone, these bloggers do their bidding and there is no lack of useful idiots who hang on every word they write.

    I know about Fr. Haley, and I know of a priest in the Archdiocese of Newark that a similar thing happened to. The whistleblower gets the shaft, and the abuser keeps keeping on.

    As for the reason why you no longer blog on Catholic stuff, well, then, Elizabeth and Mark acconplished their mission. They silenced you too.

  4. One more thing.

    His statement is not a statement of a guilty man; rather it is the statement of a priest that cannot fight this without exposing the Church to further scandal. It sounds to me like he weighed the matter well and, for the common good, decided it wasn't worth dragging the Church through more mud.

    I don't know where the bloggers got what they wrote about from his statement. When I read it, it sounded to me like he came up against a brick wall (i.e. the bishops) and, as we used to say when I was growing up, Father realized that he couldn't "fight City Hall".

    Yes, he could have if he wanted to. But he wouldn't have gotten anywhere, and he knew it. These men have too much power and control.

    Injustice abounds in the Church.

    How long, Oh Lord, how long?

  5. Adrienne, both Shea and Scalia piled on Michael Voris, too. They're not to be taken seriously.

    As for "not blogging on Catholic stuff", please reconsider! The blogosphere needs clear, uncompromised proclamation of truth.

  6. @anon - wow - first time I ever had an "anon" say something nice to me. ;-)

    Restore - since I don't read either of them, I didn't know they went after Voris.

    A few more people went after me over at Mark's and when I tried to leave a comment it was blocked.

    Funny thing - my comments were very polite while some of the folks left really nasty comments to Mark. I mean - really nasty. Wonder if they're blocked, too?

  7. Adrienne,

    You make a common mistake that nice people who blog and/or participate in fora make - you think that you are dealing with people like yourself. They are not.

  8. This whole thing isn't right. Of course the bishops have rights, nobody argues that. In the face of confusion, there is never a need to say, "Really? OK! Fine! Take this then! I'm out!"

    We are not dealing with each other. A vocation is at stake and so is eternal life.

    20 years as a priest is not just 1 or 2 years. And to let a situation get out of hand to the point where Fr. Corapi says he is no longer a priest is scandalous and shameful. He should want to be tarred and feathered than wanting to be free from blame by way of running away--even though he may be innocent.

    If the pope censures a good bishop,and the bishop resigns from the priesthood, do we now say, " He had no choice. The pope was wrong? Or do we say, may God have mercy on the Pope and may the Bishop stay strong till his end.

    Trials and sufferings should not end in a pompous display of powers or rights. They should end with souls intact for heaven. For in teh end, the truth will always come out.


  9. Philip

    How could you possibly know the whole story? And, if you don't, what right do you have to say what he should or shouldn't do? Have you been appointed by Our Lord judge and jury in this matter? No? Then be careful. The only pompous display is your post.

  10. Dear Anonymous, you are assuming that I said I know the whole story. I never said such. The facts are that a priest says he is done being a priest. It was not an official act from a bishop. It came not from without, but from within.

    It is not pompous of me to point out facts of the matter. I am not without sin, my poor wife knows that.

    What we have is an act of defiance--and in public too. In the true definition of the word, it is a scandal, no matter if all the truth is out or not.

    To be clear, I am not talking about any allegations. Just events-as known to the public and revealed by Fr. Corapi.

    We all need to pray for all who are in this matter willingly and unwllingly, that this doesn't get worse and that souls are saved.


  11. The only scandal are the blogs and comments on a matter we truly know little about. You know what happens when people assume, don't you?

    If this entire matter was as it appears to many, the bloggers would not be inciting the pewsitters. The fact that they are stirring people up by their irresponsible "scoops" tells me all I need to know.

    Watch and pray, lest you become a castaway too.


  13. Father Corapi has said many times that the Devil is always at work, the Battle is nearing. I will gladly follow him into Battle.

  14. Love your church...Pray for your priests and Bishops...Love one another as God wants us too...Don't be a Catholic that grinds the faith under your feet while others die for her...Note: About Fr. Corapi...A woman made an accusation, when this happens it must be checked out whether false or not....Many priests, nuns and lay people have died for their faith...Fr. should not have left the way he did...We all experience some sort of trial in our lives -- don't run stay, pray and fight...No matter how it would have turned out if he was innocent or not, God would be by his side...In God's love...Colleen K.
