Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Obama the Whining Comedian...

President Obama is blaming Congress for the debt. He blames both parties, but really, none of it is his fault. He must think we are all brain dead. But when I read some of his comments I couldn't help laughing. Here's a sample (My comments in red):
“This isn’t a situation where Congress is going to say ‘okay we won’t buy this car or we won’t take this vacation.’ They took the vacation, they bought the car and now they’re saying ‘maybe we don’t have to pay or we don’t have to pay as fast as we said we were going to pay.’ That’s not how responsible families act. And we’re the greatest nation on earth and we can’t act that way." [Hmm...isn't this the president who hops in Airforce One to go to New York for a night out or to London with the family, whose wife takes the girls for an outing to Spain or on an African safari. I'd like to see the tab for the Obama's vacations since the great one took office.]

“Democrats have had to accept some painful spending cuts that hurt some of our constituents and that we may not like. We’ve shown a willingness to do that for the greater good." [Oh really, like cutting Planned Parenthood and pork barrel projects? Let's get specific here about the "painful cuts" Democrats have supported.] 

“If everybody else is willing to take on their sacred cows and do tough things, then I think it will be hard for the Republicans to stand there and say that the tax breaks for corporate jets is sufficiently important that we’re not willing to come to the table and do that.” [LOL! And what about all the first class travel by "civil servants" and the accommodations at five star luxury hotels, and travel to "trade shows" and "retreats" in resort areas - See here -, not to mention Nancy Pelosi's lavish rides on Air Force planes which even provided chocolate covered strawberries on her birthday.. -See here..Oh...but government employees are worth it.] 
 Obama: Congress to Blame for Debt — It's Not My Fault


  1. Do you think he is that arrogant that he believes we are all really so stupid that we won't notice the fact that he talks out of both sides of his mouth?

    Or, do you think he really isn't all the intelligent himself, and is where he is because someone with worth billions of dollars put him where he is as his puppet?

  2. Definitely that arrogant. I've really never seen anyone more arrogant.

    Probably an empty suit with someone pulling the strings, but we really have not established that. Some indicators include the huge amounts of money he raised much of it illegally from out of the country, the full court press ACORN pursued to generate voter turnout (I'll pass on the probable election fraud since it hasn't been fully verified).

    His destructive policies, both economic and social are disturbing since they seem calculated to disrupt if not destroy the country and liberty as we know it.

    I have never feared more for my country and I'm generally an optimistic and cheerful person.
