Monday, June 20, 2011

Respect your body: Don't use Splenda!

Do you use Splenda on a regular basis as part of your diet strategy? Think again! All artificial sweeteners are unhealthy especially if used regularly. There are no long-term safety studies to show the health impact of using these things on a regular basis for years. Take notice. They can cause serious health problems. Ninety percent of 92 independent studies of aspertame found complications and dangers from using it. Over 70 studies funded by the manufacturers showed ZERO problems. Conflict of interest? (If you have migraines and use artificial sweeteners regularly, try eliminating them and see if things improve.)

From Dr. Mercola:
Of course, they [the artificial sweetener manufacturers] claim these are "three smart new ways to sweeten" your food and drink. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, it's sheer unmitigated nonsense! Splenda (sucralose), which is an artificial sweetener like aspartame, is likely to push your health in the wrong direction, and there's nothing smart about that…

Consuming artificial sweeteners can cause distortions in your biochemistry, and if you drink diet soda in an attempt to lose weight, they won't help you. Instead, most studies looking at this show very clearly that diet soft drinks actually double your obesity risk by stimulating your appetite, increasing carbohydrate cravings, and stimulating fat storage!
Listen to Dr. Mercola's report here:


  1. I stopped using artificial sweeteners 5 years ago when I began reading up on the horrible side affects they have on your body. I remember the first few days after I'd given up on diet soda, I felt like I was going through withdrawals, and I was literally bed ridden for a full day! I now use sugar in moderation, and try to keep my regular soda intake down (usually just a pop with dinner).

  2. My preferred alternative is a glass of wine with dinner -- red is a heart-healthy choice. And it's good for the spirit as well.

    As Belloc wrote, "Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, there is always laughter and good red wine."

