Friday, June 10, 2011

Rick Santorum for President?

An interesting interview with Rick Santorum. What do you think about him for president?


  1. Can he be trusted?

  2. Good question? I said I'd never vote for him for anything (If I got the chance.) after he supported Arlen Specter. He's got some explaining to do.

  3. Plus, he's just too much an Aipac & war everywhere forever man.
    As with the Specter matter, he's too ready to pander.

  4. Mary Ann, I too was angry with him when he supported Arlen Specter, but I think it is time to forgive. He has so courageously stood up for the unborn before Barbara Boxer, and his wife is such a lovely Catholic Christian woman who writes excellent books for children, that I gave him my vote in one of the Republican polls. He has lived his Christianity in his personal life so well. I pray for him and this country. We need a good pro-life, pro-family leader. Even if he does not win, I will not be sorry for the vote I gave him at this time.

  5. I know the left calls him "hateful" because he stands for Truth in calling sodomy a sin.

  6. Anonymous, it's not a matter of "forgiving" him. The question is "can he be trusted"? One might forgive a thieving relative, but I daresay they don't entrust him with anything valuable. I have not heard of him expressing repentance over the sin - yes, sin - of choosing expediency over principle. There are far more worthy candidates who have thrown their hats in the ring.

  7. I'd rank him ahead of Palin.

  8. Mary Ann and others, perhaps you are right about Rick Santorum, and perhaps I am wrong. I missed the Republican debate, and I really need to hear more before I make a good decision about whom to chose. We cannot afford to get this wrong.
