Friday, July 29, 2011

St. Martha's Feast Day and a Prayer for Busy Homemakers

Thinking about St. Martha today reminded me of a poem that hung in my kitchen in Alexandria for years. (Now where did that go? Lost in the move?) It's called The Kitchen Prayer and I loved it so much I memorized it. St. Martha, I post it here today in your honor, since I too "must have Martha's hands" especially when my grandchildren are visiting. Help us make heavenly chocolate chip cookies!
The Kitchen Prayer
by Klara Munkres

Lord of all pots and pans and things,
Since I’ve not time to be a saint by doing lovely things
 or watching late with Thee
Or dreaming in the dawn light or storming Heaven’s gates
Make me a saint by getting meals and
Washing up the plates.

Although I must have Martha’s hands,
I have a Mary mind
And when I black the boots and shoes,
Thy sandals Lord I find.
I think of how they trod the earth what time I scrub the floor.
Accept this meditation Lord,
I haven’t time for more.

Warm all the kitchen with Thy love and light it with Thy peace
Forgive me all my worrying and make my grumbling cease.
Thou who didst love to give men food,
In room or by the sea
Accept this service that I do, I do it unto Thee.


  1. Sounds like you are a Opus Dei cooperator.

  2. Do I? I'm not, but I believe in sanctifying your daily work which I think St. Josemaria preached.

  3. I like this prayer. I made a lovely wall plaque for my kitchen with this prayer on it, and after I paint it and make my new curtains, I will put it up. My kitchen windows are of unusual sizes, so it is cheaper and better looking for me to make them.

  4. Milagrosa:Confio en ti mi Dios,Padre,Hijo y Espirutu Santo mi Senor Jesus mi unico Salvador con todas las fuerzas te pido me concedas la gracia que tanto deseo (pide el deseo)Amen.

      Oracion a Santa Marta La Dominadora:
    Santa Marta Virgen por Caramanchel vas a consumir hoy por la llama con que se enciende esta vela y por el algodon con que se limpiaron los santos oleos.Te enciendo yo esta vela para que remedies mis necesidades,socorras mis miserias y venzas todas las dificultades como vencistes la fiera brava que tienes a tus pies,para ti no hay imposibles,dame suerte y dinero para cubrir mis miserias y necesidades.Asi Madre Mia concedeme que ..... no pueda estar ni vivir tranquilo hasta que a mis pies venga a parar,asi Madre Mia concedeme lo que te pido para aliviar mis penas por el amor de Jesus,Santa Marta Virgen que al monte entrastes,las fieras bravas espantastes,con tus cintas las atastes y con los hisopos las amansastes,asi Madre Mia si esto es verdad concedeme que ..... regrese a mi para siempre.Santa Marta que no lo dejes en silla sentar ni en cama acostar ni tenga un momento de tranquilidad hasta que a los pies mios venga a parar.Santa Marta escuchame amparame por el amor de Dios.Amen. 
    Oracion al Espiritu Del Dominio:Tu que dominas todos los corazones,domina el corazon de ..... Con el poder infinito que tuvo Santa Marta para amansar al dragon,asi yo quiero que amarres a ..... Oh!Espiritu Dominante!Con tu divino poder que Dios te ha dado haz que ..... sea dominado en cuerpo y alma por mi,que mi presencia y mi voz le haga falta donde este,que no pueda estar tranquilo sin mi.Espiritu Dominante,domina mis enemigos,con tu divino poder que Dios te ha dado.Amen.
    Se reza 9 Ave Maria 
    durante 9 
    dia y luego al noveno dia se publica la oracion y se cumpliran tus deseos.

  5. St. Rita Novena for Hopeless Impossible Cases 

    *Prayer to Saint Rita * 

    O HOLY PATRONESS of those in need, St. Rita, whose pleadings before thy Divine Lord are almost irresistible, who for thy lavishness in granting favors hast been called the Advocate of the Hopeless and even of the Impossible; St. Rita, so humble, so pure, so mortified, so patient and of such compassionate love for thy Crucified Jesus that thou couldst obtain from Him whatsoever thou askest, on account of which all confidently have recourse to thee, expecting, if not always relief, at least comfort; be propitious to our petition, showing thy power with God on behalf of thy suppliant; be lavish to us, as thou hast been in so many wonderful cases,  for the greater glory of God, for the spread-ing of thine own devotion, and for the consolation of those who trust in thee. 

    We promise, if our petition is granted, to glorify thee by making known thy favor, to bless and sing thy praises forever. (You can publish here, if you like: Relying then upon thy merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we pray thee grant that (here mention your request). 

    *Obtain for us our request * 

    By the singular merits of thy childhood, 
    By thy perfect union with the Divine Will, 
    By thy heroic sufferings during thy married life, 
    By the consolation thou didst experience at the conversion of thy husband, 
    By the sacrifice of thy children rather than see them grievously offend God, 
    By thy miraculous entrance into the convent, 
    By thy severe penances and thrice daily bloody scourgings, 
    By the suffering caused by the wound thou didst receive from the thorn of the Crucified Savior,
    By the divine love which consumed thy heart, By that remarkable devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, on which alone thou didst exist for four years, 
    By the happiness with which thou didst part from thy trials to join thy Divine Spouse, 
    By the perfect example thou gavest to people of every state of life. 

    Pray for us, O holy St. Rita, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. 
    *Let us Pray * O God, Who in Thine infinite tenderness hast vouchsafed to regard the prayer of Thy servant, Blessed Rita, and dost grant to her supplication that which is impossible to human foresight, skill and efforts, in reward for her compassionate love and firm reliance on Thy promise, have pity on our adversity and succor us in our calamities, that the unbeliever may know Thou art the recompense of the humble, the defense of the helpless, and the strength of those who trust in Thee, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
