Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What Society Has Ever Benefited from Sodomy?

Gay marriage across the land: Not so darn fast

"My fear — based on secular, more than religious precepts — is that watering down marriage could eventually rob society of the stabilizing and other beneficial effects of an institution now relentlessly under attack. Perhaps this argument is too ethereal to be grasped or accepted in an age of radical individualism. But it's an argument that is understood by plenty of Americans willing to state it, although it puts them in danger of being painted as haters."

If you want to throw out an institution that has been the basis of every society in human history, it seems the burden of proof ought to be on you to show how your actions will benefit the common good? Massachusetts has ample evidence of the damage same-sex marriage has inflicted on the state. (See here.)

The reality is that we will probably get universal same-sex marriage in the U.S., not through the will of the people, but the same way abortion came -- through the dictatorship of liberal courts.

What does that mean?

The pro-aborts predicted that Roe would end the debate on killing babies in the womb. In reality it was just beginning. But the polarization of the country because of abortion will look like a cakewalk compared to the impact of same-sex marriage. Those who oppose it will be demonized (We already are!) and "gay" activists will use the same intimidation tactics against supporters of traditional marriage as in California against supporters of Proposition 8. Some may become bloody martyrs like Mary Stachowisz. Others will lose their jobs (Some already have.) and become victims of hate-speech legislation which looms on the horizon. Homosexuals will continue to dress anal sex and other disease-ridden practices in a mantel of respectability and the children will pay the price as they teach in our schools that sodomy is normal and offer details on how-to-do-it "safely" which is a joke. (If you don't believe this scenario, click on the "see here" link above for what's happening in Massachusetts.)

Homosexual behavior is more dangerous than smoking and kills a lot younger. Just read the obits columns in "gay" papers and see the ages of the dead homosexuals. Parents who promote their children's perverted behavior don't love them enough to challenge what is clearly wrong both physically and morally. They would rather be "liked' by their children than tell them the truth. God forgive them. And thank God for parents like Phyllis Schlafly who refuse to enter the game.

On this feast of St. Maria Goretti, model of purity, let us pray for our poor country enslaved in lust and reaping its evil consequences.

1 comment:

  1. Homosexual activity is a fithy, disease ridden act no matter how one looks at it, and to think that any state will allow someone who engages in it to be put in a health organization is just unbelievable. Who in his/her right mind would want such a person giving them advice on health when they do not even recognize the dangers of anal and other kinds of deviant sex. Next these same people will be telling us incest and beastiality is healthy and good. Good grief! What kind of nation have we become that this kind of behavior is celebrated. I am not worried, though, for myself and others who fight it. With God on our side, which he is, it won't last long before the chasetisement comes. I just pity what is going to happen to those who are encouraging all this. In many cases, they are contributing to the delinquency and death of minors, and God will not be mocked no matter how many condoms they sell and use. It is not just HIV that they are getting but anal cancer, thrush and every other unmentionable disease. What utter evil they are encouraging.
