Thursday, August 4, 2011

Homosexual Priests and the Abuse of the Mass

Whenever I see a showman priest prancing around the altar, I always have a nagging feeling that he is probably a homosexual. The article below explains why.

The liturgical impact of homosexuality in the priesthood


  1. Up front I will tell you that this will be an anonymous post for obvious reasons.

    You described one of our priests. For the life of me, I cannot understand why the bishop does not tell the priests who have homosexual tendencies to cut the campiness out. He's a real prima donna too. Shows up five minutes before Mass is scheduled and expects everything to be done for him. The Mass never starts on time either. Our priest swishes his hips when he walks. I don't care if he is allegedly "orthodox" - with all the rot in the church these days you would think that any priest that has a tendency toward this unnatural vice would make a supreme effort to at least appear normal.

    The church is in desperate need of a supreme purification both in its faith and morals. We're not there yet; nor has it begun. I don't think that the lesson has been learned yet for that cleansing to begin.

  2. Apparent orthodoxy is a great mask for a homosexual priest. Some of the "gay" priests in our diocese preached orthodox sermons while they embezzled from the parish. Yes, indeed, a serious purification is necessary. The question is whether our bishops have the desire to do it. As the situation in Miami illustrates, bishops can be a big part of the problem. In view of the fact that 2/3 covered up homosexual abuse, one wonders how many are homosexual themselves.

  3. "Apparent orthodoxy is a great mask for a homosexual priest."

    Mary Ann, why do you think that is?

  4. Is it surprising that deviation spawns deviation?

  5. Psychiatrist Scott Peck talks about how the Church is a great cover for people of the lie. If you want to be thought holy, what better place to be? And if you feign orthodoxy, many people will be fooled. Remember the Opus Dei man with the large family who was actually a spy selling state secrets?

  6. We had a priest in the 1990s that I was sure was gay but he ended up leaving the priesthood, getting married, and having lots of kids. He still acts just the same but apparently he's just a show-off. I think that some people who are drawn to drama and the stage are drawn to the priest life because they get a chance to perform on a daily basis. Not the right reason but probably not gay either.

  7. The Western Church needs to make sure its sacred art is fairly clothed too, and follow the path of the less sensual art of the Eastern Church. I am sorry to have to bring that up, but some sacred things are being misused by homosexuals in their parades, and some people just misuse anything because their minds are so unclean.
