Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Sexualization of Little Girls -- A Pedophile's Dream

What are the parents thinking of? How could any dad fail to protect his little daughter by allowing her to be a sex object for pedophiles getting their jollies on the internet? How could any mom stand by and set her baby up to be a body worshipper with all the associated eating disorders and self esteem problems? The millstones are ready for the judgment.


  1. This is sick..There's no other way to put it. I saw this on a friends facebook page the other day and couldn't believe it! What's sad is that this isn't the first time I've seen this and if you look at stores even walmart you'll find the bras and thongs are getting smaller and smaller for the younger clients. Disgusting!

  2. I didn't watch it. I don't want to. REAL little girls are dirty, have jelly on their faces and mud on their hands and feet.

  3. Since I am a woman who wants to know what the so-called fashion industry will be trying to sell to my granddaughters who are now two and a half, I watched the videos. All I could think of is what the Lord Jesus said about putting a milestone around the necks of those who try to corrupt children. These young models are going to have some really serious problems when they get older if they stay in the industry, drugs, vices, abortions and probably STDs. The photographer and parents should be jailed for letting them pose like this.

  4. I watch pictures of little girls posing "doggy style" in thongs. What they're selling here is tame by comparison.
