Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Thoughts: The Old and the Young

At present our home (nicknamed Camp Kreitzer by our kids) resounds with happy chaos. We have three of our five children and their families visiting and an extra grandchild, which adds up to a grand total of fifteen children and eight adults all under the same roof. I will not say it is always harmonious, but it is mostly so and never dull

Larry and I went to 8:00 a.m. Mass this morning with five of the oldest grandchildren who all wanted to go to the nursing home where I take Communion to five of the residents. Two of our Houston girls have gone with us regularly during their visit and wanted to say good-bye to their new friends.

How happy the residents and staff were to see all the children and get "morning hugs," a Camp Kreitzer tradition. We had our own little choir and sang Immaculate Mary several times in different rooms in honor of the upcoming feast of Our Lady. We also imitated the von Trapp family singers with a rousing double chorus of Doe a Deer.   

We watched several residents literally light up seeing and listening to the children. No wonder, since the young bring the Kingdom of God with them wherever they go. "Jesus called for the children, saying: 'Let the little children come to me. Do not shut them off. The reign of God belongs to such as these.' Trust me when I tell you that whoever does not accept the kingdom of God as a child will not enter into it." (Luke 18:16-17)

This morning the children met and visited with the child-like and heart spoke to heart. It was smiles all around. Many forget the sick and elderly in nursing home, but I believe they are among God's favorites.

If you want to be close to Jesus, go visit those who are most ignored in our Culture of Death. Go to an abortion mill. You will be at the foot of the cross when you defend God's babies in danger of death. And when you visit a nursing home, you will sit with Mary and Martha watching over their sick brother Lazarus praying for Jesus to come.  The beginning and end of life draw our attention to what really matters -- loving God with our whole hearts, minds, and souls and loving our neighbors as ourselves. You will find many needy neighbors at the abortion mills and the nursing homes. Remember them, at least in prayer, but also with a visit if you can. Jesus is waiting for you there.

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