Saturday, October 8, 2011

Barbarian Bullies on the Internet

I rarely censor a comment. But when somebody personally attacks an author and throws in obscenities to boot...prudence dictates stuffing a sock in the foul-mouthed bully's mouth. Which is what I did by hitting the delete button on a comment on Alice Doyle's article on the tragic story about the young boy who committed suicide. (See here.)

It's ironic that somebody would comment on an article about bullying by employing all the tactics of a bully himself: insults, obscenities, threats, intimidation, wishes that evil will befall the person, etc. ad nauseum.  There are plenty of bullies out there on the internet. Alice's article, which is also posted at has received lots of negative attention from people who think an argument consists of insults and four letter words. It's easy to do when you hide in the dark behind an anonymous moniker. No doubt if they could throw physical stones as well, they would.

The fact is they are barbarians. If they had to the intelligence to make a reasonable argument, presumably they would. People can disagree without being uncivil, but we live in barbaric times when bullies reign at even the highest levels of government and society. The answer for Christians is to face the bullies covered head to foot in the armour of God, with truth as the belt around their waists, justice as their breastplates, faith as a shield, and the sword of the spirit, the word of God. And the first thing Christians on the internet should do is pray before setting fingers to the keyboard. Then we will be more likely to respond, to the best of our ability with charity -- even to the biggest bullies on the block.


  1. They're really stepping it up, Mary Ann, aren’t they? I definitely feel an escalation of evil in the air. Particularly the homosexual agenda which is the "tip of satan's spear" gaining more ground where now even the unthinkable crime of pedophilia is being promoted. The evil one must feel that the clock is ticking down and Our Lady is soon to crush his head. God have mercy on the willfully blind because time is running out for them as well.

  2. We have created a world of barbarians and what is worse they are barbarians that consider themselves enlightened free thinkers unfettered by the superstitions of the past like, gasp, religion.

    The sad thing is that they truly are barbarians. They know nothing of the history of the West, they are in C. S. Lewis's phrase, "men without chests" who have no morals except what feels good and who truly believe that license is their right. They have not read the great thinkers and they imagine that because they can use technology they are educated.

    We have made this through our neglect of true education and our willingness to cede our duty to the state whose only desire is for docile slaves. Welcome to "Brave New World" which we created and which should we fail to reverse it, we shall have demonstrated that we deserve. As Ronald Reagan so elegantly stated: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. When I first went into the Navy I found myself using curse words I've never used before. I stopped doing this after awhile. One day an officer asked me why I don't curse. I really couldn't explain it other then I just didn't think it was right and didn't feel the need to do so. Today I think it's demonic to express yourself that way. I think this is a really good article on this subject:

  5. Siobhan, so do I - sense an acceleration of evil. I was about to ask my pastor what practical ways I can take to conduct myself amidst the confusion and turmoil that is stepping up.

    Whoever "they" are, they're quite an organized group.


  6. I believe that the reason you got the response you did was because it was against homosexuality. In my estimation homosexuals are the worse bullies out there. Believe me we saw it all and are still seeing it in the court case around the prop 8 campaign

    I am writing this anonymously because of the bullying. I live in CA and those of us who gave money to the pro-marriage proposition have been permanently put up on a site they call the Hall of Shame. When someone googles our names they come up on this website. There were businesses and individuals that were targeted - some even lost there jobs.

    Now we see the liberals coming to their defense and even in court cases the Obama administrations says that anyone who voted for DOMA is prejudiced. This is a form a intimidation. Well I guess they are calling a bunch of Democrats that as well as Republicans names. Jerry Brown our governor would not defend the people's vote in Prop 8 when he was attorney general - now Holder won't defend the law of the land DOMA.

    The homosexual judge in the case recorded all of the proceedings and now against the express direction of the U.S. Supreme Court is allowing these videos of individuals testimony to be viewed by others. This is to intimidate witnesses in future court cases. What bullies!
