Monday, October 31, 2011

It's Hallowe'en; Are You Covered in Blood?

Tonight some children (mostly boys) will be knocking on doors covered with fake blood. Some will simulate victims of axe murderers; others will wear vampire teeth dripping with gore. Frankly, I think it's sick. A few years ago, a little girl (maybe 8 or 9) knocked on my son's door where we were helping with the treats. She was wearing a cap simulating an axe through her head with blood dripping down. I couldn't help asking her, "Whatever happened to fairies and gypsies?"

We live in a bloody culture, so it doesn't seem surprising that it's filtered down to the younger set who see nothing grotesque about glorifying axe murderers. But, in one sense, it's a reminder that Satan is the prince of this world. He wants all of us to die in our sin. He who was a "liar and a murderer from the beginning" glories in violent death and bloodshed.

But there is one bloody death, He abhors, one that we must glorify. We hold up that innocent Victim, remember Him, and celebrate His sacrifice. We desire to be covered in His blood because His blood overcomes the Culture of Death. He saves us from sin and washes us in His blood. And All Hallow's Eve is a good time to remember it.

 Come, Lord Jesus!

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