Sunday, October 23, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: A Movement of Leftists Who Hate the Church

The first video below is from an Italian protest, a spinoff of the Occupy Wall Street movement in this country. Like the crowds in the U.S., the Italian group was heavily made up of Communists, Socialists, and other anti-capitalists who hate "the rich" and want to see the current system overthrown. The second video is from Occupy Oakland which illustrates the socialist ideas of the participants. This is all about class warfare and class envy. I suspect the Oakland group has a lot of church haters in it too.

What I find particularly ironic about these folks as they call for higher taxes is that they are talking about themselves. If the government took all the money from the rich, it wouldn't begin to pay the bills -- there just aren't enough rich people. The government has to tax the middle class workers because that's where most of the money is.

Under Communism in Russia, the government owned everything and the people were slaves of the system. We're already wage slaves because of onerous taxes. Now these foolish people want to put us completely under the thumb of Big Brother. And they will all no doubt vote for Obama, a rich man who is supported by rich Hollywood liberals and folks like George Soros and Oprah Winfrey. Is their money somehow cleaner than the bank executives? And how about Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood's boss, who makes over 400K. Is she a good guy, but the bank exec is evil?

This is what you get when the schools are dumbed down and the kids are fed a constant stream of socialist propaganda. I'm all in favor of redistributing wealth. It's called...get a job, work hard, start your own business, etc. I hope more folks home school and raise their kids to be freedom fighters, although that takes time and I'm not sure we have much left.

But, as a priest said to me once, "What do you think it was like for the average man during the collapse of Rome?" Probably nothing much changed...until the barbarians sacked the city. that I think about it, that's what these Occupy movements seem to be about.

For more on this see The Revolutionaries' Revenge.

1 comment:


    But backed by the Vatican.
