Monday, November 14, 2011

ACORN Diverts School Donations to Occupy Wall Street

ACORN is back in the news -- this time for diverting money donated to test schools for dangerous toxins to support the Occupy Wall Street gang. This is one more Alinskyite trick illustrating that any means is acceptable as long as it moves the society along toward socialism. Unfortunately, this same tactic is also active in the Church as the national collection for CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development) takes place this coming weekend. Thirty to 50% of the collection goes into community organizing groups linked to the Industrial Areas Foundation (Alinsky's baby), GAMALIEL, and other socialist-oriented front groups.

Know your history. In 1893 Walter Rauschenbusch, founder of the Social Gospel Movement, wrote, "The only power that can make socialism succeed, if it is established, is religion." CCHD is a partner with Just Faith, which preaches, not the social doctrine of the Church, but Marxist socialism and liberation theology. Religion is being used to advance, not the Kingdom of God, but the Kingdom of this World whose prince is Satan himself. The latest Mindszenty Foundation report blows the cover on Just Faith. And their are plenty of other articles out there as well. Go here to see a few. And here's another. We are being preached a different faith than that of Christ Jesus, and we must reject it as St. Paul warned. Yes, we have an obligation to help the poor, but not according to Marxist socialism. We aren't serving God when we begin by occupying Wall Street, but when we begin by occupying the confessional. In the end it isn't societal sins and the class struggle that will send us to hell, but our personal sins and our failure to serve our neighbor beginning with our families.

Wake up! The enemy is within like the fox under the Spartan boy's cloak chewing away at the faith. Catholics are under assault from the treachery and stupidity of the enemies within and their useful dupes. If we don't know our faith and fight for it, we'll lose it. Pray for the zeal of Joan of Arc and the charity of the Blessed Mother. With Mary as our 12 star general and Joan as our battalion commander we can fight back the slings and arrows being launched from all sides and the daggar thrust from those nearest.

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