Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Denver

How blessed we are in the patrimony of Holy Mother Church. Larry and I attended Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Denver and were awestruck by the beautiful stained glass windows and other artwork as well as the marble. What a gift to the city of Denver to have such a monument to the faith in its midst. Pray that those who lack faith will be drawn to it by the the true, the good, and the beautiful which is the patrimony of our Church open and available to all.


  1. Beautiful! Thank you!!
    (though I do like flying buttresses) ;-)

  2. Yes, thanks. Something beautiful is always worth knowing.
    I second your prayer for the place and urge others to pray and act so that solid, traditional Masses (as opposed to the Nervous Disorder Hootenanny Masses) may be celebrated there.
    I just returned from Hannibal, MO. The principal Church there, though built in '54, is a modernist mess with flouncy windowshades over plain beaded-glass windows and the expectable guitar band and hand waving. Sadly and ironically, a few blocks down the street is the abandonned (like Cordelia in Lear) Romanesque gem of a Church with gorgeous stained glass, Italianate aisles and so on. So, a traditional Church, its altar in place, being used is, in these evil days, something in which we can rejoice.

  3. Now this really looks like a church. Beautiful!
