Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Do You Believe Herman Cain is Guilty? Or Is This the Equivalent of a Mafia Hit?

Mark Crutcher has a fascinating article on his blog relating to the way conservative blacks get it from rich elitist whites. Very interesting and worth reading. It raises the question of whether Herman Cain is being set up and taken down by the culture of death cartel.

Herman Cain, Meet Samuel Yette

Sean Hannity ran an audio clip today of a female reporter (didn't catch her name) discussing black men and their sexual interest in white women, especially blondes. It was so racist I could hardly believe anyone in her right mind would say it -- reminded me of the book Black Like Me. It was written by a Catholic white journalist in the 50s who decided to explore racism by "becoming black." He had some treatments that darkened his skin, shaved his head, and used a tanning lotion. One of the most interesting chapters was about his experiences hitchhiking with white men who quizzed him on his sexual prowess and whether black women are sexier, and whether he ever had sex with a white woman. Sickening!

So hearing a woman promote this shameful stereotype and apply it to Herman Cain made me angry. I also noticed the obviously provocative clothing that Cain's supposed victim, Sharon Bialek, is wearing in all her interviews, and the sexy hairdo. Frankly, I think it's to push the subliminal message that of course black men will want to sexually assault sexy, white, blonde women.

No matter how you slice this, it's a he said, she said situation and there is no way to prove it either way. The only two who know the truth are Cain and his accuser and those who arranged the smear if that's what it is. But as Mark Crutcher points out, the timing is suspicious. Here's what he says:
The fascinating thing is that, within hours [of Cain addressing the abortion cartel's involvement in black genocide], anonymous people started dropping out of the trees to claim that Herman Cain sexually harassed them. As we have seen in the past, this is a very convenient charge because it is one that is virtually impossible to refute. In the minds of many, the mere accusation itself is evidence of guilt and, once the allegation is made, the target has to prove a negative which, for all practical purposes, cannot be done.
Yup, that pegs it. So...what do you think? Is Herman Cain the target of the population control hit team? Sure bears all the hallmarks.


  1. I personally think that the whole thing smells from head to toe of a planned smear operation. First we get some innuendo going based on what sound like innocent remarks except in the ears of paranoid women. We had some like that when I worked at Sperry. Some of them seemed to be trolling for something to complain about. They were usually rather tawdry ladies that seemed to be looking for attention and belligerent. After a while you just wanted to stay away from them.

    Some of the MOs being described in these allegations sound too much like they were spun up from analogous allegations made about Bill Clinton which makes me suspect that they come from Democrat circles. The whole thing smells very much to me like a political hit job. You hit with smears that are impossible to corroborate and any defense quickly sounds like "he protests too much" -- there is a rhetorical tactic that works this way. You hit someone with a swarm of assertions based mostly on fallacies and exaggerations and if they take the bait and defend point by point they have to expend far more rhetoric defending against each irrelevant point so that the whole thing begins to sound like rationalization. The only defense is to cut through the Gordian knot and point out that a swarm of gnats doesn't amount to one good sting.

    Mark Levin pointed out that you can't prove a negative. Herman Cain sounds like he's telling the truth and the accusers all sound like they are scripted.

  2. Mafia hit.
    No doubt in my mind about it.

  3. It's an embellished "Anita Hill" game plan.

  4. No, I don't think he's being set up. This goes back many years and includes a cash settlement paid out from incidents in 1990s. I think Cain is just like many other men who move into positions of power - they only want to hear 'yes' and refuse to hear 'no.' He is not a moral man.

  5. From what I've read, those were not "settlements" a legal term. They were severance packages and the NRA found the accusations baseless. A lawyer for the restaurant association interviewed on Sean Hannity yesterday said often women sometimes throw in a sexual harrassment claim at the end of a negotiation because it's almost guaranteed to increase the money. And it's a business decision, not an admission when they don't defend against it, which will often cost hundreds of thousands.

    Sexual harrassment is a term without meaning. If a man stands too close to a woman (in her opinion) she can claim to be sexually harrassed. It's ridiculous and completely subjective because it depends on how the woman "feels." If she says, "He makes me uncomfortable," she's been harrassed.

  6. I think that conservatives are desperate for a candidate to get behind in 2012 and we keep getting disappointed. I agree that sexual harassment is ill-defined, but it is also prevalent in today's workplace. Would you want your daughter working in close quarters with someone who "makes her uncomfortable" even if no overt action was taken... yet? Often times men push in little steps to see what sort of reaction they get. Do I think the media is pushing this? Yes, absolutely. Do I think he is guilty? Yes. He does not have my support. If we don't' hold our candidates to a higher standard, then who will?

  7. Far be it from me to say Herman Cain is guilty or innocent. What is being missed is how easy all of this will be to clear up.

    The Hotel where all this took place could be contacted to provide records. Once we can prove there was a Herman Cain and accuser in the same hotel, then we can go from there.

    Until then, it's all subjective depending on who is currently with the center mic.

    As soon as allegations come out like this, it is not enough to disavow them, they should be explicitly and thoroughly disproven with facts.

    It is easy for us to fall into the trap and say it's just a smear campaign by the left. So, what if it was? The allegations are still out doesn't matter who caused them to surface.

    I find it confusing the way he worded some of what he said. He could have simply said, " I have been married to my wife Gloria, for 40something years. I have never cheated on her. Not, I have never had any inappropriate relationships with any of the accusers anonymous or otherwise named.

    I don't expect him to give us his sexual history, but rather to express his honesty as it has been challenged.

    Now, what happens if Cain had women problems in the past, and cleared them up with his wife...well, it would be none of our business--except now, allegations have surfaced in public--and so in public they have to be addressed because there is a run for a high and public office.

    I pray that Herman has been honest to the pubic under which he is being scrutinized.

    Philip James

  8. Anonymous,

    Re your question, would I want my daughter working closely with someone who makes her "uncomfortable?"...that depends. What about him makes her uncomfortable? Is it his political views? His using God's name in vain?

    It's amazing to me how helpless women have become in the last generation. I never had a problem putting a guy in his place in the workplace when I worked as a management analyst for the Navy. Granted I was never dealing with a boss, which, of course, would be more intimidating.

    But I'm frankly sick of whining women who dress like sluts and then are "offended" when a man looks. And judging from the way Sharon Bialek dressed for a press conference and Good Morning, America she likes to draw attention to other parts of her body than her face.

    There has been nothing but her accusation and a complaint that has NOTHING to do with sexual harrassment, and two ANONYMOUS allegations involving separation agreements with cash.

    Let's see some hard evidence. I agree with Philip. Let's see the hotel proving that Cain upgraded her room.

  9. Ann Coulter wrote an interesting article today

  10. About Hermann Cain, I have assumed until now that where there is smoke, there is at least some fire. Although I thought it may have been greatly exaggerated or trumped up to be more than it was.

    Ann Coulter's article (see above comment) has really made me reevaluate the charges. It is indeed interesting and she connects a pattern that David Axelrod has taken to help Obama get elected. The latest accuser lived in the same building as David Axelrod and knew him. She also finds other connections to the Daley/Axelrod machine in this excellent article.

    She presents a convincing enough amount of evidence to make me to begin to think that this may indeed be a hatchet job.
