Friday, November 25, 2011

Liberal Hate Mongers

My brother put me on to this patriotic American through his Political Brambles blog. I love his commentary. He speaks the truth against the "hateful left."


  1. Wait! Wait just one minute! Ray is your brother??

    No wonder he comments here all the time. I just thought he found you and liked you 'cause you were smart. Now I know it's a sibling thing.

    Too bad my brother is a commie (who also happens to be rude, thoughtless, and mean.) His comments run to "stupid, right-wing religious wacko, and fat pig."

    P.S. Finally wised up and haven't spoken to him in two years. Life has been calm.

    I've gathered up a few surrogate brothers online to take his place.

  2. He used to be a liberal but I converted him. LOL! (He says I was the liberal, but we both know that isn't true.)

  3. There's no rivalry. I'm the oldest and Mary Ann is 4th ... she's still a little mad at me because I didn't notice that she was competing with me.

    Now that she's no longer a liberal (she said I used to be a liberal just to get my goat ... she knows that I've never been a liberal, not ever ... I'm a Goldwater, William F. Buckley, James Kirkpatrick, Russell Kirk conservative from since she was in high school) But she is bright and came around after a while. Now we steal stuff from each other's blogs. Oh, and I married a John Bircher and she was a Goldwater girl in high school and jokes that she's right of Attila the Hun. She keeps me on the straight and narrow.

  4. Gosh, Ray, I didn't know I was ever competing with you. When was that?

    Re being a liberal. I wasn't talking about politics. LOL!

  5. Mary ignores past conversations as in "Move along ... nothing to see here." Of course the conversations in question are some forty years ago so the aged neurons may be playing tricks on us. But I do agree that we have always largely been classical liberals in a sense that G.K. Chesterton would recognize.
