Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Yorkers: You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!

Massive chaos, gridlock to be unleashed on NYC:
'Menu' includes shutting down Wall Street, subways, bridges

Anybody who thinks this movement is about anything but creating chaos needs a reality check. Who's funding it? George Soros groups for one. Who's involved? The Communist Party USA, the Nazi Party USA, leftists, socialists, the SEIU, ACORN, etc. Who's endorsing it? Leftist politicians who believe a crisis is a terrible thing to waste when it can advance liberalism. I fully expect if this movement continues to see it end like the French Revolution in violence and martial law.

The participants, who seem like the same gang who occupied Woodstock in the 60s, are more interested in partying and playing and blaming all the ills of the world on everybody except the ones who deserve it. Why are there no demonstrations outside the White House and the homes of liberal members of Congress many of who have gotten rich from feeding at the public trough? Where are the diatribes against Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae, etc.?

Many of these folks may be well-meaning, but they are in bed with anarchists who don't care a hoot about freedom of speech and assembly. Their goal is the total destruction of the U.S. way of life. When the participants are finished tearing down, they may be surprised at what gets built up.

Meanwhile the low level workers of NYC will be the ones hurt most by these antics. Stockbrokers and bankers aren't the only ones who work in New York. Those hurt most will be: the maids, doormen, and clerks who work at the hotels; the busboys, dishwashers, and waiters who serve and clean up at the restaurants; the newstand operators, the street cleaners; cashiers in retail, the ticket takers at the movie theatres; etc.

Most of the people working in NYC are little people and most of the big people who gave us this mess are the politicians and their media and entertainment cronies who promote their liberal policies. This movement is all about destroying the middle class. Ironically, many middle class liberals are the useful dupes ballyhooing it or participating. There's comfort in being part of the mob until it turns on you.

Somebody needs to get on a soapbox and start lecturing on the French Revolution which started out by eating the aristocracy, the clergy, and religious women  and ended up consuming many lower class laborers illustrated by the poor little dressmaker in A Tale of Two Cities.

Occupy Wall Street is not funny and it's not a joke. Wake up, America.


  1. Yes, Mary Ann, those who start revolutions usually get eaten up by the revolution they started in the first place. "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword." The French revolutionaries ended up killing each other off after they went way too far and tried to destroy the Catholic Church. They got what they deserved. The American Revolutionaries only survived because they did not try to destroy their Judeo-Christian roots, but it seems some Americans and others have learned nothing from history.

  2. If they get their way, the USA is finished as we know it. And no one is stopping them. Writing about them on the internet accomplishes nothing. When will we start fighting back?

    I am no Malachi Martin fan and have many doubts about his veracity, but he did say in the 1990s, on one of the tapes of his that I have, that the United States, as we once knew it, was finished.

  3. What do you suggest? We certainly can fight through prayer and fasting and at the ballot box. But we need a spiritual revival because so many people in this country have forgotten God.

  4. Zuccotti Park is as Biblical as it gets. Just remember: Ours is the God who parted the Red Sea.

  5. This is when I have to remind myself that I am a Catholic so that I think of Catholic solutions.

    I would suggest the Rosary. Our Lady told Sr. Lucy that She was making it more efficacious than ever in these days, and Sr. Lucy herself said that there is nothing that can't be solved by the praying of the Rosary.

    For those who are able, a daily Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament pleading Our Father to have pity on us, for Mercy and to forgive us, for we obviously do not know what we are doing.

    Also for those who are able, as you have already suggested, fasting, if only one day a week.

    As for the ballot box, that won't work until we clear the stage of all the existing political players on both sides. We need new people, and not career politicians either.

  6. In regards to Malachi Martin, correct me if I wrong, but I believe he said in 1997 that America's best days were behind her, but that in 20 years, meaning in 2017, Our Lady will triumph and the Era of Peace will begin. I hope he was right. He also thought that Bill Clinton was "perfectly possessed." I wonder what he would think of the current occupant?

  7. If what Malachi Martin said is true, I honestly don't know how we'll last another 5 years. I'm not saying I side with the OWS people, but the current system isn't working.

    As long as those who are in power continue to drain what little money is left from the poor and middle class (not to mention downsizing and moving jobs offshore leaving hard working people without a chance to provide for their families), how can we possibly survive this? 5 more years of the elite cheating and stealing from the people, including food prices that are so ludicrously high, people are going without despite the grocery store shelves being stocked, and there's going to be nothing left by then.

  8. My husband has a swollen face this morning. He has a toothache. We are the working poor with no dental insurance and no money for dentists. We can't even afford to adequtely heat our home, and pay exhorbitant electric prices to freeze all winter.

    Tell me, how do all of the welfare-ites manage to get everything? Is there a trick my husband and I don't know? When we go for help, they look at us with suspicion wondering no doubt what our scam is. I am convinced that they treat us like that because they wouldn't dare nor could they, without losnig their jobs, treat the minorities and illegals as they would like to, so we bear the brunt of their animosity.

  9. I'm so sorry for your difficulties, Veronica. Socialism brings everybody down.

    Watching the videos of the arrests on Wall Street I couldn't get over the chants, something like "Clear the street so the rich can get to work." Why aren't they outside the studios of the major networks? I'm sure David Letterman, Diane Sawyer, and other media moguls make more than a lot of Wall Street employees.

    Many of the traders make modest incomes. And the people whose investment portfolios they manage include grandparents with very modest investments for their retirement.

    These useful dupes are helping the greedy liberals bring about socialism. Does anybody really thing George Soros is a philanthrapist? He made his money originally working with the Nazis by confiscating the property of ews in Hungary. And he's heavily funding the Occupy movement.

    This is a deliberate attempt to overthrow the United States republic and replace it with socialism.
