Friday, November 18, 2011

What an Easy Bake Oven Teaches about Tyranny

Here's an excerpt from a great article at As a Mom...A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots. I recommend you read the complete article, What's a 100 Watt - Easy Bake Oven? But I absolutely loved this part of the article:
Well, my eldest daughter received an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas.  Her grandmother sent it from the mid-west.  Grandma sent it and on Christmas day, my daughter, who will soon be eight years old said, "can we bake some cookies mama".  I said, "well, yes, maybe later".  Later turned into a few days and as I got out the instructions to see how to make the Easy Bake Oven work, the instructions detailed how I needed a 100 watt incandescent light bulb. 

If you didn't know, that's how the oven cooks the little cookies and snacks.  Well, I looked for a 100 watt light bulb in my stash of light bulbs, but didn't have one and so, off we went to the store.  You know the hardware store where they sell light bulbs.  Well, I visited three hardware stores in my area and couldn't find one-100 watt clear bulb on the shelf.  There I was in the isle in my third hardware store and looking for a 100 watt incandescent light bulb and I muttered to myself, somewhat out loud, "hmmm, wonder why there is not one -100 watt bulb on the shelf", when a man standing next to me said, "they ain't making them anymore".  I said, "what?"  Then he said, "the reason I'm buying as many incandescent light bulbs as I can is because the communist who run this country don't allow hardware stores to sell 100 watt incandescent light bulbs any longer."  I said, "really, wow, that sounds like communism for sure, so, what's up with that?  Then the man told me the California legislature just outlaw them, "so in California you will not be able to buy any 100 watt incandescent light bulbs", said the man.

I then told the man about how my daughter received an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas from her Grandmother.  "Now she won't be able to use it", I said.  The man said, "well, there's always a solution to a problem like that".  I said, "And what's that?"  He then told me, "kick the communist out of office and get a new brand of politician, one who will listen to what the people want and won't meddle with the purchasing of an incandescent light bulb".  "You see", the man continued, "communist not only tell you how to live, they tell you what you can purchase, or not.  They control you and if they can't convince you to buy some curly stupid bulb, they just take the bulb you want to purchase off the market."  I said, "wow, I think I see your point." 

Yes, I guess, a new transmission and a clean house can make you see the light!  It's time folks, it's time to choose and it's time to clean some house.  It's time to dust yourself off and send the message to all those in office and in the halls of our great nation.  Yes, there is a time for everything under the sun.  It's time to choose.  And, to answer the question I opened this email with, "what's a 100 watt - Easy Bake Oven"?  I say, it's completely useless, just like some of our politicians who think they know better than you the American public.  All I can say is, do you see the light?  'Cause I sure do see the 100 watt problem!

Remember to tell all your neighbors, your family, your friends, the butcher, the baker and the cabinet maker.  I even told my banker a few things as well and she was pretty amazed at all the things happening in our great nation.  I say, talk about, tell somebody about it.  That's your job from now until November 2012.  
I'm glad to know about the "Mommy Patriots" who are teaching their children what it means to be American. Now, if they just make sure their kids aren't brainwashed by the socialists running the education system, we may actually have hope of saving America.


  1. Too bad it was Bush who signed the light bulb regulations into law. I read somewhere that the US is the most successful Communist country in the world. Can't trust politicians no matter what party.

  2. Couldn't agree more. Bush, especially in his second term, was a disaster. It's fast death with the Democrats, slow death with the Republicans. Well...maybe less fast.
