Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Virtual Reality of the Homosexual Universe

Homosexual activists live in their own dream world -- a world of virtual reality where they create the entire universe in their own disordered image. So, as the video below shows, they claim that anyone and everyone is really a lesbian or homosexual including saints of the Catholic Church. Those of us who deny it are just closeted "queers" (their word) who don't want to admit the truth. They demand that everyone join in their game of let's pretend or prepare to be the target of their hate-filled "jamming."

I have five children and have been married to the same man for 42 years. Both of us have lived faithfully according to the vows we made on our wedding day.  And, believe it or not, we still enjoy each other's company. We found out just how much when we took a seven week cross-country trip last fall camping in a 30 foot pop-up. We were together 24/7 hiking, biking, visiting churches, and stopping to see friends and family. It was great fun! I don't think we had a cross word the entire trip. Yes, I am a happily married woman who believes that marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman made before God "until death do us part." Homosexual hookups can never be marriage.

On a number of occasions, some brilliant homosexual propagandist has commented on my blog that I must really be a closeted lesbian because I write about homosexuality. The fact is, I write about it because the activist homosexual movement, which is bitter and hate-filled, is targeting everything I hold dear as good and holy. Traditional marriage must go because gays want to play house. Children in the schools must be indoctrinated because gays don't propagate and new homosexuals must be recruited from among the young. Christians must be muzzled and their free speech rights denied because gays demand the entire world say that sodomy is holy and equal to the marital embrace.

Hogwash! I have sympathy for those afflicted with same-sex attraction and I pray for them. It is a heavy cross to bear. But it is no less disordered than any other temptation to evil. Does one really think that sexual attraction to children is normal and good? Yes, actually, the homosexual movement wants to lower the age of consent and some of their "experts" claim that child-adult sex doesn't hurt children but can actually benefit them. Tell that to the parents dealing with the sex abuse of their little ones. Thank God, most Americans have not yet swallowed that bilge as reaction to the Penn State scandal shows.

During the years when the "red peril" caused serious concern about the possibility of nuclear war, some people said they would "rather be red than dead." But for those who love the truth there are values worth fighting, and even dying, for. Joan of Arc, who is being slandered by the gays, stood for those values. Doing the will of God trumps everything, and Jesus, the beloved Son, is our model. He is the way, He is the truth, and He is the life. When we stand for the Truth we stand for Him. Sometimes the truth hurts and sometimes it makes people want to kill you. That's why Joan died as a matter of fact. She was a martyr to the politics of her day.

It is the same in every age when people call good evil and evil good. But the truth remains and must be spoken as charitably as possible. Some will dismiss it and continue to tread the primrose path of dalliance to their destruction, but some will listen and their hearts will be touched and converted. Let us pray through the intercession of Joan of Arc, who lifted the siege against Orleans, that many enslaved by homosexual lust will be freed from their chains.


  1. Superb essay, Mary Ann! Thank you!
    I saw the Michael Voris clip, and he is right on target.
    The second-last line of the meeting of the three witches at the beginning of Macbeth is:
    "Fair is foul and foul is fair."
    Besides the reversal of good and evil, note the reversal in the sentence, which reads the same both ways.
    Like saying the Lord's Prayer backwards as a gesture of defiance against God.
    They turn everything backwards and upside down.
    "I will not serve!"

  2. Thanks for the comment, Bob. I think the Shakespeare allusion is completely on target. The hallmark of evil is to call itself good.

  3. Note that "I will not serve" turns into a Yodaism when reversed "Serve not will I."

    The sad thing is that homosexuality is so sad. They are people who lead frantic and pointless lives in the grip of an obsession. Often these lives are cut short by disease and they involve unions that cannot be fruitful in the way God made us to be fruitful.

    I think we would do well to constantly pray for them. Of course if you tell them you're praying for them they'll likely get mad.
