Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Check Out the Republican Candidates' Positions

The Family Research Council posted a voter guide on the current crop of GOP wannabees for the Iowa caucuses. Check it out here. Even though the Iowa caucuses are over, the data in this guide is helpful for analyzing the candidates who remain in the running. Since Bachmann and Perry have dropped out, we are left with four: Romney, Santorum, Paul, and Gingrich (in order of their vote tallies.) An eight vote lead isn't exactly a landslide so Romney had a pretty shaky win. And as far as I'm concerned, McCain's endorsement of Romney is one more black mark on his scorecard. So, what do you think, readers? There's some talk of a Santorum/Gingrich coalition against Romney. What do you see as the best bet to beat Obama?


  1. Perry has had second thoughts, so he's still in. However, I'm now behind Santorum. He seems to be the best of what's left. I'd suspect that Bachman's others supporters will drift his way, too.

  2. Will Santorum cave again? I've got to go with a competent guy who's pro-life...Gingrich.

  3. Although I have been behind Rick Santorum all along for various good reasons, he does need to be careful what he says about Iran and make sure it is according to the Church's teachings on just wars and not say something he will regret. We all put "our foot in our mouths" sometimes, so we cannot be too "nit picky".
