Sunday, January 8, 2012

More on the Girl Scouts

A reader commented on my Girl Scout post earlier today that her local troop is pro-life and does all kinds of good stuff. That's great, but it doesn't solve the problem because every troop in the country supports the national girl scout garbage through the sale of the cookies, patches, uniforms, pins, and other GS paraphernalia. It's also interesting to note that the Girl Scouts let little Bobby Montoya join a troop because he feels like a girl, but recently booted a little autistic brownie. Cross dressing little boys are more equal than autistic little girls. I hear Girl Scouts are creating a new cookie in honor of the national group. It's full of fruits and nuts. Below is what I included in the Twilight Zone section of the Fall issue of the Les Femmes newsletter.

FROM THE TRUTH Vol. 16 #3 The Twilight Zone

***Don’t Eat Those Cookies!
Girl Scouts USA is in the news after a Colorado troop was forced to enroll a 7-year-old boy, Bobby Montoya, who believes he’s a little girl trapped in a boy’s body. And what sonny wants, Mommy insists he gets. So the leader who rejected the child in the first place because he “doesn’t have the right [body] parts” is being sent for sensitivity training and GSUSA gushes that they are gender neutral. Any little boy who wants to make believe he’s a little girl is welcome. Whew! What relief. Mums everywhere can rejoice that their sexually confused little boys can dress up in brown or green, say, “Look! I’m a girl,” and sashay around as they sell Thin Mints and Samoas.

Actually, disintegration of the Girl Scouts began decades ago. In 1970 feminist Betty Friedan, author of The Feminist Mystique, joined the national board where she helped transform the Girl Scouts into a radical feminist propaganda machine. In more recent years, GSUSA has become more and more open in their perversion. Here’s one example from the GS Timeline at “1995: The Great Rivers Girl Scout Council in Ohio is caught using explicit sex education curriculum, ‘Sexuality and You’ at a weekend overnight event. When a troop leader disclosed to parents that their girls had been instructed to pass around a lifesize phallus and…exposed to a game where the words ‘zoophilia,’ ‘nymphomania,’ ‘sado-masochism’ and more were placed on their backs, she was kicked out of Girl Scouts. Twenty-six fellow volunteers resigned in solidarity. One of the twenty-six, Patti Garibay, went on to found American Heritage Girls as a result.”

Happily, Girl Scouts are having financial troubles. Despite selling about 198 million boxes of cookies in 2010 at $3.50 a pop to the tune of $714 million, some councils are having to sell off property to make ends meet. Let’s hope their latest exercise in “gender sensitivity” compels many parents to pull their girls out of Girl Scouts. There is an alternative, American Heritage Girls. There is also a secondary alternative for Scout Councils that want to remain in the group, but minimize support for its evil agenda. A troop can sell one box of cookies to donate to the military in order to remain in good standing. Troops in good standing may run their own separate fundraisers. So a Catholic troop could ditch the cookie sales in favor of an alternative after purchasing ONLY ONE BOX of cookies for the entire troop. And girls can be in uniform if they wear the Girl Scout pin – no need to spend a cent on those ugly green outfits. Personally, Les Femmes advocates pulling girls out of GSUSA, but, short of that, second best is to minimize funding for their evil. Let National Girl Scouts and the state councils starve.


  1. Learn about, and hopefully help promote, the Congregation of the Children of Mary. This society was introduced as a request from our Blessed Mother to St. Catherine Laboure in 1830. Pope Pius the IX entrusted this work under the patronage of St. Philomena. Today this society is co-sponsored by the Archconfraternity of St. Philomena and the Universal Living Rosary Association of St. Philomena.

    Check out the website:

    The Congregation of the Children of Mary – what a beautiful and fruitful society for young girls!

    Peace & Prayers

  2. What many people do not know is that Harvey Milk, the hero of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community was seeking help from Jim Jones for his union and for pro-homosexual marriage legislation. That was before Jones murdered all those people. Sooooo, don't drink the Kool Aid and don't eat those cookies. The Kool Aid company is not involved, though, so that is just an expression, and as far as I know, it is safe to buy the real Kool Aid brand.
