Sunday, February 12, 2012

Contraception Destroys Love

Read this article and reflect on the reality that those couples who use Natural Family Planning to plan TO HAVE families, experience little divorce and are often more happily married than their contracepting neighbors.


  1. Hi! I happened upon your blog by chance, and I think it's great to have a life-point advantage based from a Catholic-women perspective. I was just wondering if you had heard of Priests for Life? They are a very pro-life, pro-women organization that speaks out against the evils of abortion, contraception, birth control, and help counsel women who have had abortions or miscarriages and who are dealing with grief. Just thought maybe it would help you with your blog?

    God bless!

  2. "Contraception Destroys Love"

    This goes deeper than just marriage love. God is love (1 John 4:7-11) - thus to contracept is also, in another sense, "destroying" God.

    Think about it like this: *Conception* means life - but also Jesus says that *He* is life (John 14:6).

    All babies that are conceived - even those conceived in illicit or even evil ways - are made in God's image and likeness (Gen. 1:27).

    If you are open to life and *conception* you are open to God!

    If you *contra*cept - you are closed to life thus closed to God.

    It really isn't that hard if one just follows the steps.

    Catechist Kevin

  3. I read the article and wept. With 5 children in 4 and a half years, I am completely not open to having more children in the foreseeable future. We attended NFP and Creighton classes, but I haven't had a cycle since mid-2006, and have been continuously breastfeeding since my oldest was born. The thought of having relations with my husband literally makes me throw up because I am so scared of becoming pregnant again. I feel the complete opposite of what my mother, our priest, my husband and now even the internet is trying to tell me. We are not closer. I am not happy. I feel like what everyone told me about marriage was a lie.

  4. My heart goes out to you, Anon.; you sound completely overwhelmed. You don't make it clear whether you became pregnant while following the NFP rules to postpone pregnancy. I know some women have more difficult signs to interpret than others. Do you have an experienced teacher who can help you? I'm adding you to my rosary list and will be praying for you. Do you have family or Church friends who can give you a break? When we feel alone and overwhelmed it can really suck the joy out of life. But I can promise you, a day will come when you look back and wonder how these years could have gone by so quickly.
