Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Outrageous Act by Washington State High School and Planned Parenthood

"No laws were broken," the County says. Isn't that comforting? A 15-year-old is put in a cab and sent to the abortion mill. Whose there advising her? The Planned Parenthood worker. If this girl had her uterus perforated and was sent to a local hospital, you can be sure the parents would be called. And yet, this vulnerable kid was abandoned. How dare a school health clinic make a decision to have a kids aborted without informing the parents? I hope this family sues the school, the health care worker and Planned Parenthood. You can be sure when this kid suffers the trauma of the abortion, it won't be the school counselor or the PP worker sitting and crying with her.

All you PP propagandists out there, how would you feel if it was YOUR DAUGHTER?

1 comment:

  1. All you PP propagandists out there, how would you feel if it was YOUR DAUGHTER?

    They've aborted their daughters.
