Friday, February 3, 2012

The Video that Exposes Planned Parenthood

The video below reveals Planned Parenthood in ways they sure didn't intend. First, note that the "superhero" is black. Why? Because PP has always targeted minorities and they want to appeal to them first of all. Margaret Sanger was hot to eliminate as many "human weeds" as possible and she considered poor minorities, Catholic immigrants, and other "undesirables" as fodder for her birth control machine. "More from the fit; less from the unfit," was her eugenic motto. She even wanted to enlist black pastors to sell abortion to the population she most wanted to reduce. PP targets minority neighborhoods. Hello! This organization was founded by a WASP elitist.

Note also in the video that the "superhero" aims a gun, shoots at and kills the sidewalk counselors (portrayed as zombies) outside the abortuary. Fact is, PP folks are the violent ones, not pro-lifers. They are the ones ripping babies limb from limb and demanding the right to stab near-term babies in the head and suck out their brains. The pro-life movement is the most peaceful civil rights group in history.

Next, see how the abstinence speaker is portrayed and don't miss the misinformation about STDs. Chlamydia, the most common STD, is transmitted by skin contact, and condoms don't protect against it. Many young women who believe the PP mantra of "safe is sexy" are likely to end up sterile as a result of chlamydia infection. It causes pelvic inflammatory disease, damage to the cervix, increased likelihood of life-threatening ectopic pregnancies, etc. Here's what Berkeley Wellness says about it and Berkeley is hardly a bastion of pro-life conservatism. There are 3 million new cases of chlamydia every year. That's a lot of damage to a lot of women! And what does this "superhero" tell the kids to call her? Dionysus, the name of the God of drunkenness and revelry.

The scene with the Senator is particularly interesting. It's PP who hate freedom of speech and the rule of law. The only way they could get abortion on demand was through activist judges ignoring the law and making it up. Note how the senator is dipped in the cauldron by the superhero/witch and comes out presumably as a pig with an apple in his mouth, but he sure resembles a baby. PP are the real life enemies of the poor depicted in Jonathan Swift's satire about eating Irish babies and that scene illustrates it.  

Note the Starbucks ad. The rainbow is there for good reason. They are big advocates of buggery as well as PP abortion supporters.

Last of all. Take a look at the demon horns that appear every time the "super-hero" Dionysus is seen from the back. Was that an accident or is Satan so bold he wants to take credit for his diabolic activity?

Check out PP's hate-filled video. Are these the kinds of people any parent should want teaching their children about the meaning of human sexuality?  I blogged earlier today about what makes the happiest wives. PP's strategy is sure to frustrate happiness for both women and men.  In their philosophy women are nothing but recyclable sex objects and babies are trash for the landfill. As for "men" -  they are enabled as sexual predators who use women for pleasure and cast them off. PP's cultural message is misogyny. They hate women and their fertility. We need to expose them for what they are.


  1. Hey Mary Ann
    do some homework on Sanger and abortion. She was no saint—despite being raised a good Catholic Girl—she pushed not only birth-control but eugenics as you point out, but do some background reading on her to find out what she thought, wrote, and said about abortion. Planned Parenthood may not be the organization she planned to parent.

  2. I've actually written a number of articles about Sanger and have been studying her evil philosophy for at least two decades. you can see one article that addresses Sanger, among others, at

  3. ok, but check out the primary sources and see what she actually said and wrote about abortion when you get things wrong you destroy the credibility of your case

  4. I'm not aware of having misquoted Sanger anywhere. Her own words are so damning it's almost impossible to make her look worse than she was. If you have a specific complaint, make it, but please don't use Planned Parenthood as your source because they are liars of the first stripe.

  5. this is a bit vulgar but I do thank you it shows PP for what it is and what more proof do we need for their evil objectives

  6. I can always count on you to provide some sensationalist stuff. I'm impressed that you actually used buggery in a sentence. I presume you mean between homosexuals, as in the strict definition it simply means anal sex. Plenty of heterosexual couples do that, too, you know. As for the rest of it... giant eye roll. The bottom line is that most people in the world, not just the US, agree that contraception is a good thing and that Planned Parenthood has a good message and provides good services for women's health. I'm very pleased that the Komen foundation figured that out and didn't bow down to the minority of people who disagree. Though you are vocal, I'll give you that.

  7. Well, I'm sure you must be right, Karyn, about people thinking contraception is a good thing especially the women who've died and become sterile from their contraceptive -- oh and the ones who've contracted virulent forms of breast cancer b/c of years taking hormonal drugs.

    And that doesn't even address the moral issues.

    Whether those opposing PP are a minority is another question. I guess we just have to take your word for it. Or not.

  8. Planned Parenthood is pushing the birthcontol pill now since they say it helps keep ovarian or some other type of female cancer away. EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) says that is true, but what PP (Planned Parenthood) does not tell people is that the Pill and abortions also contribute to breast cancer and have other terrible side effects at times. I know. Over twenty years ago a priest saved my life by talking me out of taking the birthcontrol pill and into a Natural Family Planning class taught by the Couple to Couple League. I did not know it at that time, but I had breast cancer that the estrogen in the Pill would have caused the cancer to grow more aggressively. I would not be writing this now as I would have been long dead. I am alive today as I have never taken any kind of estrogen, except that which is naturally in such products as soy sauce, etc. I hope this message saves some woman's life as it did mine.
