Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Is Jesus in the Eucharist Just a "Consolation Cookie?"

A priest sent this and, for obvious reasons, I offer it without identifying him. I'd hate to see another faithful priest bite the dust! 

I guess the slander mill is going in high gear. I was talking with some other priests before a Reconciliation service, and they were dismissive of the fact that Fr. Guarnizo refused to participate in a clear case of attempted desecration of the Blessed Sacrament. Sadly, it seems that Eucharistic praxis in the Church today still promotes the handling of this Most Blessed Sacrament as merely a consolation cookie, rather than as the gracious Person of the Son of God incarnate.

Even if Fr. Guarnizo did have "personality issues", any change of his status should have included a clear affirmation that his courageous defense of the sacredness of the Most Blessed Sacrament was commendable.

The demons of darkness continue to dance with perverted delight as many of our bishops insist that priests must ratify with the Precious Body and Blood of Christ those behaviors which the bishops are refusing to ratify with our insurance dollars. If they insist that the Eucharistic Christ Himself is giving a smiling "thumbs up" to those promoting the butchery of children in the womb, how can they have such great anxiety over financially supporting such butchery? Sadly, their lack of credibility is incredible.

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