Monday, April 9, 2012

This Vortex Bears Repeating

In view of all that's happened since this Vortex episode was made (prior to Obama's appearance at Notre Dame), it is even more on target now. Obama is out to destroy the Catholic Church as an institution and Catholics as individuals must be forced to violate everything they hold dear.  It's time to pray for the courage of the first century martyrs. We'll need it!


  1. Yes, we will need the courage of the first-century martyrs, and I pray I will have it when I need it.

  2. I don't know. A lot of what Michael Voris makes sense to me, but our parishy is fairly traditional and yet our pastor has warned us that Real Catholic Television does not have Church approval and cannot be counted on to convey what the Holy Father teaches

  3. Other bishops and pastors support him. I'd say the proof is in whether what he says agrees with the deposit of the faith.

    He is certainly a lot more orthodox than many of our bishops. Can we count on Cardinal Wuerl? He couldn't even be counted on to obey the rubrics by washing the feet of only men on Holy Thursday. As for his pandering to the high and mighty in Washington, D.C. and to the gay lobby? I'd trust Mike Voris over Cardinal Wuerl any day.

  4. can you tell me some bishops who support him? My pastor says that his own Archbishop has asked him to stop calling it Catholic Television

  5. Here are a few links showing support for Mike Voris from churchmen -- some in the U.S. and some in other countries.

    The Archdiocese of Fort Wayne apparently doesn't have a problem with RCT or Mike Voris who is not the owner of the name. Voris founded St. Michael's Media but works for the owner of RCT who is Marc Brammer under the jurisdiction of Bishop Kevin Rhoades. The diocese has not indicated any problem with RCT.

    Bishop Bruskewitz did a long interview with Mike Voris which definitely shows his support.

    Last Fall Voris spoke in the Diocese of Tulsa (Bishop Slattery) and was advertised on the diocesan website. I'd say that shows support. The bishop was also speaking at the same event.

    Anyway, that's just for starters. I'm sure if I did some more research I could find plenty of evidence that he has the support of a number of bishops.

    I was very disappointed in Archbishop Vigneron since he has a reputation for orthodoxy in a less than orthodox diocese. That he (or his chancery strongmen) would be the source of the attack on Real Catholic TV was a sore disappointment. But since when in the Catholic Church has an attack by a bishop been proof of a man's orthodoxy? Remember the bishop who conspired to kill Joan of Arc and the entire bench of cowards in England with the sole exception of Bishop John Fisher. I think most of those bishops were reincarnated in our modern American amchurch.

    Anyway, if you check Voris' speaking schedule on the RCT website, you can see that he continues to speak at Catholic churches here and in other countries as well.

  6. And here's a link to a Vortex episode with a bishop from the Philippines who invited Voris to come and discuss the corruption by the media.

    I'd say there's plenty of evidence that Voris is considered an orthodox and courageous voice by some leaders in the Church - perhaps not many in the U.S. But how many truly faithful bishops are there in the U.S. Fr. Hardon didn't believe there were many. I think things have improved since his death in 2000, but not enough!
