Monday, May 28, 2012

Pray for the Fallen on this Memorial Day


  1. I am sorry, but I am beginning to wonder just what our miltary is fighting for -- abortion: the birthcontrol pill that maims and kills women and pollutes our waterways; so-called same-sex marriage and politicians that override our votes against it and the right of Lady Gaga and the singer Modonna to go to other countries and insult them by performing decadent acts on stage and corrupt their young as they have some of ours. Just what the hell are we fighting for???????? Liberty, the right to do that which is right and good and holy or licentiousness? Sorry, but it seems to me that too often it is for the latter.

  2. I agree with you. I fear we are generally fighting for someone t make money or distract the nation from something else.

    Pat Buchanan is absolutely right about most of the wars our nation has fought being unnecessary. They are decided by politicians who rarely fight and often make sure their own sons and daughters don't. And when I see the move toward putting women in combat I am horrified. Nevertheless, those who fall need to be remembered and honored for their sacrifice.

  3. Mary Ann, my grandfather fought in the Spanish American War and nearly died in the Philippines from cholera because the newspaper people over here and some others wanted a fight with Spain, so they claimed that Spain blew up the Maine. To this day, they have never proved that Spain did it, and many think it was just a defective boiler explosion. Fr. Vincent Miceli was in Viet Nam during that war. He wrote in his book called "The Antichrist" how the left and some others over here wanted President Diem out when we were winning the war, so they smeared Diem's name and lied about him. Afterward, Mc Namara (according to another source) or others in his cabinet talked Kennedy into setting up the coup that got rid of Diem, so we would lost the war. Kennedy went along with it because he might have believed a lot of what was being said, and wanted the votes of the left, which had pushed him to the top. I do not know if President Kennedy knew if they were going to murder President Diem, but that was the end results anyway. He was murdered in front of a church or cathedral, and we all know what happened to Kennedy afterward.

  4. It's ironic that the only assassination by the U.S. was during the watch of a nominal Catholic. Pathetic isn't it? My dad, a navy admiral, couldn't stand McNamara.

  5. Actually, I should have written in my post at 7:51p.m. "so we lost the war" not "so we would lost the war" Never-the-less, it was the plan of the left over here for us "to lose the war".

  6. And, yes, we should pray for the fallen, and I have.

  7. I still find much to be proud of in our nation and happily and unreservedly support those who volunteer for our armed forces. It's a shame these comments are so negative.

  8. The comments aren't negative about the troops. Anyone who is willing to defend his country is a patriot. But why would you give the politicians who send our young men and women into harms way unnecessarily a pass? We are quick to intervene in every country on the planet to "spread democracy" even where there has never been any interest in democracy. The irony is that liberals talk about tolerance and the rights of others but they always want to impose things on everybody else. They would like global control and a world court to impose "reproductive rights" (i.e., abortion) and "diversity" and (i.e., same-sex marriage) and prosecute "hate speech" (i.e., whatever they disagree with). Our military should be defending our borders from foreign threats. We don't belong sticking our noses in the businesses of every country in the world.

  9. Mary Anne, your post at 9:43AM is exactly right, and now that this President says he is going to bring the men home from Afghanistan, he and the media are trying to suck us into a war in Syria and the Middle East. A President Eisenhower, this President is not. Eisehower kept his promise to bring the men home permanantly. The Founding Fathers warned us against all these foreign entanglements, and so did the Holy Bible.

  10. I see a lot of things now that are going on, and how we are being manipulated by the media. One computer news service now has an article about young school girls supposedly being poisoned in a Muslim country for going to school. The Tabliban is implicated. While all the bloggers are tsk, tsking about how awful the Taliban is and calling Muslims names and saying how barbaric they are, not one word is ever said from this same news service about the girls over here being torn about in the womb, burned to death in abortions or being aborted for sexual selection (the parents want a boy), and it is all happenig over here. Some people are truly uninformed or naive, but others are just plain hypocrites and know exactly what is going on and are encouraging it.

  11. Liberalism is a philosophy that is totally committed to moral relativism so Muslims killing born girls is an atrocity; our targeting near term unborn girls is a woman's choice. The enemy's indiscriminate bombing of civilians is a war crime; our fire-bombing of Dresden and dropping the atomic bombs saved lives. (Not, of course, the ones belonging to the fried folks in Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.) Hitler was an anti-vivisectionist who loved animals. (He probably had a dog named Fluffy.); but he apparently had no problem with Josef Mengele's experimentation on humans. Man's capacity for self-delusion is infinite!
