Sunday, May 20, 2012

Recap of Fr. Weslin's Arrest at Notre Dame: Fr. Weslin, Pray for Our Poor Country

Remember Fr. Weslin at Notre Dame? He founded the Lambs of Christ as victim souls for the unborn. And this, his last arrest, shows him as a victim not only of our secular culture of death, but the culture of death in the Church.

If his arrest doesn't bring tears to your eyes, you have no heart. Watching police handcuffing an 80-year-old priest behind his back is shocking.  But get ready, because this is a preview of the future. As you watch the video, consider the words of Cardinal Francis George in 2010 after the passage of civil union legislation in Illinois:
 "I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square."

Can't happen, you say? Look at the persecution of Christians around the world. Then look at the history of persecution of Catholics in the United States. The 18th and 19th centuries were so rife with attacks on Catholicism that the U.S. hierarchy embarked on a policy of accommodation, labeled "Americanism" and called a heresy by Pope Leo XIII. Americanism infects the Church to this day and can be seen in the speeches of Catholic politicians like John Kennedy and Mario Cuomo. It can be seen in the actions and words of clerics like Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, Fr. John Jenkins, and others. It has led inexorably to the rise of Catholic Judases like Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Kathleen Sebelius, Joe Biden and others. 

Let us ask Fr. Weslin's intercession in the darkening days ahead for this country as religious persecution becomes more outward and more draconian. Raise your children to suffer and to pray and sacrifice for the enemies of the Church that they might be converted. All you Roman martyrs, pray for us. St. Edmund Campion and all the English martyrs, pray for us. May the martyrs of Compiegne and all the martyrs of the French Revolution pray for us. May the seven Visitandine martyrs and all the martyrs of the Spanish civil war pray for us. May Fr. Miguel Pro and all the martyrs of  the Mexican revolution pray for us. May all the martyrs throughout all the ages of history pray for us that we might be prepared for whatever comes and have the courage to endure it without abandoning the faith or hating our persecutors.

Our Lady, Queen of the martyrs, pray for us!


  1. I think you're right.


  2. Thank you very much for sending this sobering video which brought tears to my eyes.

    Fr. Weslin reminded me of St. Maximilian Kolbe when he was imprisoned before his death. It is said he sang hymns to the Blessed Mother.

    Prayer and sacrifice…and informing others…these are our duties!

    In Jesu et Maria,


  3. It reminded me how Our Dear Mother must weep at the loss of her children.,


  4. Father's funeral Mass will be celebrated on Tues.

    Veni, vidi, Deus vicit,

