Thursday, May 31, 2012

What the heck is a "hoochie mama?"

Michelle Obama has been described as an "icon of fashion," but she often looks ridiculous to me. Maybe it's just because I'm an old lady, but really, how many other wives of heads of state dress like this? As for the money...I imagine Michelle gets these high fashion duds for free from the designers but the taxpayers are certainly picking up all security and transportation costs that go along with these gad abouts. Does the first couple ever stop campaigning? Or condemning the selfish rich? Hmmm....maybe people in glass houses....


  1. hoochie mama is a derogatory term for a woman who dresses and/or acts in a sexually provocative way, usually in the mode of the lower class. It is common for it to refer to girls who dress above their age and older women who dress below their age group.

  2. This certainly is a "first" for a "First Lady".

  3. Thanks for the clarification, Baron, I've never heard the term before.

  4. Oh, my goodness. Michelle Obama is a pretty lady, but her taste in clothes is quite often just atrocious, and shows her lack of class. In this case she does look like a "hoochie mama". Mary Anne it an expression used for a woman who dresses trashy.

  5. Mary Anne, there are some on line pictures of the wives of other politicians in some low-cut dresses, but the skinny jeans on Michelle do go too far. Jeans so tight they cling to the pubic area are just not appropriate at all for a First Lady, or any woman in fact. Most women at least cover that area up with a long tunic. Hers even leaves the front open. President Obama should take her back to Jordan and have Queen Noor show her how to dress with more class if they are going to be so Muslim friendly. At least the Muslims have a sense of decorum that way.

  6. To be fair, though, she has worn some pretty dresses that were proper and looked nice on her. Jackie Kennedy wore bare arms at times, too, and I have no problem with that if it is not all the time, and is done in hot weather which is understandable. Now enough of this for me.

  7. I guess if Michelle Obama was built like Barbara Bush then she'd surely be a hoochie mama, but she still has her shape, she is at the kid awards dinner not at a heads of state dinner, she young and still got it, stop hating on her you old out of shape "people'

  8. Immodest is immodest, whatever your age. Michelle Obama can dress appropriately and looks lovely when she does, but this outfit was embarrassing. It also presented an example that sensible Christian mothers would not want for their kids.

  9. Embarrassing for who? She looked beautiful as always and being a christian mother(Tammy Faye)has nothing to do with nothing, she looked FANTISTIC!!!!

  10. Exclamation points aside, that's a personal opinion. And I have as much a right to mine as you do to yours. I don't think she looks fantastic at all; I think she looks ridiculous.

    And modesty has everything to do with Christian parenting. Modesty is the guardian of chastity. When you wear clothing that draws attention to your crotch and your cleavage (as this particular outfit does) you send a message that sure isn't about the beauty of your mind and your ideas.

    As a serious Catholic mom of three daughters and grandmother of eleven granddaughters, I sure wouldn't want them seeing Michelle Obama as a role model for how to dress.

  11. Well, I guess we all should be good catholics like you,Priest,Nuns,and Michelle Obama could dress like a nun, and no one could see her crouch (sic)...

    [The rest of this comment is so slanderous an ad hominem attack I cannot print it. When you want to engage in civil argument, Anonymous, I'll be happy to post your comments. Otherwise, go troll another blog. Mary Ann]

  12. I'm trying to convince a skeptical friend that this Michelle Obama appearance was a boondoggle for us honest taxpayers. He keeps saying that the financial amounts in the picture are just exaggerations. Please help me to convince him that I'm write and he's wrong. With some good information, I know I can do it. What sources did you use? Thanks!!!
