Saturday, June 23, 2012

This is for all you annoying trolls!

One of the things my grandkids like to do is watch videos of the annoying orange with me. (Requires censorship on occasion.) Whenever I'm visiting and using my computer they will gather round and beg for the annoying orange. Which led my son-in-law Chris to give me a wonderful gift, my own personal annoying orange to keep by my desk. Every time I press the sound spot on the back I get the annoying orange making an obnoxious comment followed by his super annoying laugh. Chris suggested I use it to de-stress when I get annoying blog comments. So you annoying trolls out there, you've got competition. Now that I've associated you with the annoying orange, you can never get my goat again. (Besides, I don't have a goat, just an annoying orange.) He always gives me a laugh.

Postscript: I was actually introduced to the annoying orange by a bag of marshmallows. Watching this will give you an entirely new perspective on s'mores.


  1. No doubt you have rendered the lavendar at America Mag indignant. To wit, Father Martin reduced to commenting on, oh my, your blog! The Lord thanks you and so do I ;)
    Keep up the GREAT work!

  2. Those videos are *so dumb* I wish I had thought of them first!
    Thank you!!!
