Sunday, July 1, 2012

Is There a Connection?

I received an email today from a friend. Here's what it said:
Saint John tells us that the red dragon / Communism will spew from its mouth a river to try to destroy the Woman / Church. The earth will come to the rescue with disturbances in nature. After the Supreme Court aligned itself with Obama, the very next day a weird storm yielding countless lightening strikes of an unusual nature rained down on the DC area.
D.C. Area Power Outages After Storm Could Last For Days
What do you think? Any connection? My immediate reaction was, "It's a coincedence." But on the other hand.... We know that God only allows evil for the good he intends to bring from it. He does not use natural disasters to punish the guilty. Often, it is the most innocent who feel the brunt of natural disasters. But, as Pope Benedict says, they are "occasions to reflect, to reject the illusion that we can live without God."

Obamacare rejects God big time. It makes abortion and contraception, two of the greatest abominations of our time, not only available to those who choose the evil, but forces those who reject it to pay for it and participate in it.

Listen to the president's statement on the Supreme Court decision. A question for him: Are the unborn among those whose "lives will be more secure" because of Obamacare? Not hardly! It is likely to increase the death toll. This decision calls for us to fall to our knees in prayer as we face the expansion of taxpayer-funded child murder. God have mercy on us, especially our children and grandchildren.


  1. The weather here in the United States does seem particurly wild. Nevertheless, here in California we are experiencing an unusually cool June. Sometimes we even have to turn on the heater during the morning. Quite frankly, I am enjoying it. We ARE battling abortion,"same-sex" marriage and so forth, though, but many of us do reparation and pray to hold back chastisement because we know our state really deserves it. The Lord Jesus did say that sometimes the innocent suffer right along with the wicked, but often it causes the wicked to come to their senses and change, or they die with a seared conscience which leads to eternal death. What is interesting is that the people in the time of Noah and the rainbow did not believe what Noah was telling them until it was too, too late. Could it be the same now? I think so. The Lord told us "as it was in the time of Noah, so shall it be in the time of the coming of the Son of Man. Therefore, watch and pray." We must remember, though, that the God left the good on earth, Noah and his family, and took away the evil. Perhaps they were not all evil that he took away but who knows. We need to watch and pray, no matter what, and seek to do good, else we too will be rejected, and that is a horrible thing.

  2. More buraucracy, more taxes, more IRS agents. Notably lacking are more doctors, more funding for medical research, easier access to physicians, hospitals, technology.

    This phony baloney will produce exactly what it was intended to produce, more government control over our lives. Don't expect improved health care results, only increased and unnecessary costs with the politicians pointing fingers at everyone but themselves.

    The Founders are rolling in their graves.

  3. Mary Ann, the videos did not come through for me. Nevertheless, I understand what you and the Good Book are saying, and see the destruction on other sites.

  4. We are having fairly mild weather in Boise, but wildfires are raging in Idaho, especially in the city of Pocatello; and now there is another closer to home. I'm not sure at this stage that the natural disasters are necessarily punishment: Obamacare is unquestionably its own punishment. But I do think that, in a universe ruled by God, there are no coincidences, and that the disasters are a warning.

    I don't know, though, why God wouldn't use natural disasters as punishment for sin. There can be no doubt that war is a punishment for sin, and wars engulf the innocent and the guilty together.

  5. Who is She who comes forth like the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array?
    from the Song of Solomon

    Our Lady of America pray for us. We need it.

  6. Good point, Anita. It certainly was a punishment for the people of Israel when Elijah was alive and they had the drought. And, as Anonymous said about Noah, the flood was surely a punishment and a judgment.

  7. We are a nation steeped in sin. I do believe that God is doing everything He can to get our attention. Fr. Hardon had this to say: "How does God operate for people who are in sin? Very simple. He sends them problems: difficulties, trials, suffering, pain, even tragedy to wake them up."
