Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Train Wreck is Coming - Pray for Cardinal Dolan

New York City is on the way to electing an out and proud "Catholic" lesbian for mayor, one who is, incidentally, "married" to her lesbian lover. The showdown is a-comin' and this lady has already thrown down the gauntlet. No one can tell her what she can or can't do in "HER church!" (which certainly is NOT the Holy Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ).

Let's pray Cardinal Dolan has the fortitude to meet the challenge head on. While I'm on retreat this week I am praying for him to, like Jesus, say, "Zeal for [God's] house consumes me." I'm also praying for Christine Quinn, the likely mayor who is on the fast track to hell unless she repents. Her scandal is so broad that the millstone awaiting her is a heavy one.

Jesus is separating the sheep from the goats. Where will Church leaders in the U.S. line up? At this point, it's fidelity and persecution or schism and persecution. Take your pick. Any Catholic who believes he will be dodge the bullet by following the politically correct path is naive. Useful dupes will be tolerated until they are no longer needed. Then they will follow the faithful to the rack. Pray for the courage to suffer well.


  1. Useful dupes? Like Professor Doug Kmeic. Ah, yes, he thought he would be "happy" by selling out. I wonder what he thinks about it now and just how happy he is.

  2. Whoever saves his life in such a way that he displeases God shall afterwards, with no little grief, find his life thoroughly displeasing. For if you save your life, you shall on the next day so mortally hate your life that you will be wholeheartedly sorry you did not lose yur life the day before. For that you certainly must die you will surely remember, but how or how soon, that you do not know at all. And you have just cause to fear that the delay of that death may well ensure the everlasting torments in hell, where men shall sorely long to die and death shall flee from them; whereas by enduring that death you so much abhorred, there should have undoubtedly followed the everlasting joys of heaven.

    From On Saving One's Life
    by St. Thomas More

    God save us from being useful dupes.

  3. The last time the homosexual groups came up against an Archbishop of New York, John Cardinal O'Connor, and stood nude on the steps of St. Patrick's Church and desecrated the Blessed Sacrament, a strang thing happened ---------- 9/11. Will God lift his shield of protection once again? If he does, each of us damn well better be at His right side.
