Thursday, July 19, 2012

What Brought the Church in America to its Deplorable State?

Silence on contraception. If Humanae Vitae had been proclaimed loud and clear from its release in 1968 we would not be battling on all these other fronts today. And if the bishops had been committed to preaching the truth on contraception, they would never have funded all these evil groups that are in bed with the family planners. We would not be seeing headlines like this:

U.S. bishops’ relief agency gives $5.3 million to major contraception-providing charity

The U.S. bishops damage control apparatus is in high speed trying to explain away this latest abomination, but they can't. The fact is that CRS has a long history of supporting contraception. Catholic World Report did an expose by Germain Grisez in 2008 about their condom promotion and tainted AIDS education project working again with "partners" who are adamantly opposed to the Church. 

Jon Merrill who has worked in humanitarian programs in Africa is highly critical of CRS and its entanglement with government that leads to funding moral evils. Here's what he wrote in a February article on
I have worked on and off in Africa, for “humanitarian” organizations, for some thirty years, during both Republican and Democratic administrations, and I have not seen that the U.S. Government’s efforts to promote the sexual revolution – with the willing cooperation of the U.S. bishops’ own overseas “humanitarian” organization, and of other “Christian” subcontractors – has varied much in intensity over those years. The “foreign aid” agencies of both the U.S. federal government and the USCCB (the latter a contractor of the former) are both “owned” and staffed by either secularists, or by fellow-traveling-sexual-revolutionist “Catholics” and other vaguely “faith-motivated” types. Regardless of the particular ideology of the sitting president or of the very-theoretical anti-sexual-revolution stance of the bishops, those agencies find ways to effectively advance the sexual revolution. Personnel is policy.
In view of the serious problem with their international relief programs, is it any wonder the bishops' domestic "charity" program, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), is so bad? The only way this will end is for a new Catholic charity to form that 1) takes no government money, 2) hires real Catholics to run it, and 3) funds ONLY Catholic groups that are totally committed to the teachings of the Church. There are so many Catholic missionaries around the world, why should we be funding secular groups anyway? Isn't the most important thing we have to share our faith?


  1. "Silence on contraception. If Humanae Vitae had been proclaimed loud and clear from its release in 1968 we would not be battling on all these other fronts today."

    I totally agree.

  2. There is something to be said for the Obamacare legislation requiring Catholic Organizations to hire Catholics only. Although the Obama administrations motives are not pure, they it does make sense. Some of the so-called Catholic colleges are not even Catholic anymore because they hired too many Non-catholics or unbelieving Catholics and have too many Non-catholic students. There must be a lesson in all this.
