Saturday, September 1, 2012

Catholic Relief Service Scandals

Find buckets of information about CRS at this website. You'll find information about the pro-abortion backgrounds of their employees, their support for pro-abortion/pro-contraception groups, explicit activities that violate Church teachings, etc. This is why you should NEVER EVER give to CRS. There are many groups doing good work in the third world without funding abortion/contraception. Support them. The bishops apparently lack interest in overseeing their charities to the degree that they have become enablers of evil. The only solution is to cut off the money.

1 comment:

  1. The bishops have no interest in overseeing anything! All they want is money, power and luxury. In that aspect, they're doing a good job following their predecessors (and I don't mean the Apostles).

    The Catholic Church is ripe for judgement. Only God's mercy is forstaying the inevitable in the hope of institutional repentence. But if that repentence is not forthcoming, divine judgement will be devastating.
