Saturday, September 1, 2012

More on Corruption at the Republican National Convention

Conservatives talk about the Democrats' corruption? Are the Republican elite running the party any differently? Think about it. The pro-abort Democrats wouldn't let pro-life Bob Casey, Governor of Pennsylvania speak at the 1992 convention. In 2012, the Republicans froze out Ron Paul. The Democrats are notorious for their corrupt politics: vote fixing, keeping folks from the polls, etc. How is that any different that the Republican elite preventing Morton Blackwell from leading the charge against disenfranchising delegates by pushing through draconian rules changes. They kept the Virginia delegation including Morton Blackwell trapped on a bus that circled the convention center three times before heading away from it. The dirty politics kept the delegation away from the crucial vote. Then Boehner, in a clearly biased act, declared by fiat that the "the ayes have it" when the vote was taken. You can listen for yourself and hear that it is by no means clear. It was all fun and games and inspiration on the stage at the convention, but backstage it was manipulation and corruption. Just check out the links below.

The Republicans Have Sacrificed the Grassroots: This Cannot Stand! N.B. Note that Morton Blackwell begins speaking in the second video about minute 19 and goes until minute 31. He gives a powerful description of the danger of the rules changes. No wonder the Republican power brokers had to keep him away from the vote! He calls the rules change [#12] a "disaster," the worst thing he's ever seen in the Rules Committee. "It's what Democrats do all the time," he says. "It [Rule 12] takes away the stability of our rules between conventions." They also inserted a rule [16] that lets the presidential candidate "disallow" the delegates he doesn't like. Can you imagine - your state convention elects delegates who are then disenfranchised by the presidential candidate? And these totalitarians have the gall to call themselves conservative? This is dirty backroom politics at its worst. 

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