Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Al Qaeda Uses "Fire Wars" in U.S. as Terrorism Tool

Just because they aren't blowing themselves up in shopping malls and airports or running planes into buildings doesn't mean terrorists aren't out there among us doing their darned-est to bring down the U.S. Here's an ABC report. According to William Scott, a former official with the National Security Agency, terrorists are in a "fire war" against us and we are not addressing the threat wisely:
"We still treat fire as a land management issue and we should be treating it as a national security issue....We are engaged in a brutal economic war by fire.....[We need] fire combat air patrols flying 24/7...[to] spot new fire starts."
We are under regular attack by terrorists? The "fire war" carries low risk of capture and is one more reason to secure our southern borders. There is no doubt terrorists are entering the country through Mexico. We are on the edge of the economic cliff and mega fires in the west are one more threat in the terrorist arsenal to destroy us. It's time to fight back and fight smart.

1 comment:

  1. Fight back and Fight smart: I wonder is the are putting on the Armor of Jesus Christ .
    I sure hope becuase the minute I walk out of my home and pray the St. Michael prayer and put on the armor of God!
