Thursday, November 8, 2012

John Boehner Needs a Brain Transplant

Boehner: 'Mr. President, This Is Your Moment. We’re Ready to Be Led'

Led where? To the doors of the abortion mills? To the same-sex wedding? Off the fiscal cliff? Straight to hell? Sheesh! 

Boehner say he wants the president "to succeed." I sure don't. His success means more dead babies in America, more dead babies in the third world, more able bodied adults collecting welfare, more illegal aliens taking jobs from American workers, more Mexican drug lords killing Americans in the southwest and coyotes raping Mexican girls on the way across the border, more tax money for Planned Parenthood, more tax money for Obama's union thugs, more government takeovers of private business, more homosexual privilege, less freedom for people of faith.... Need I go on? The Obama agenda is the death of virtue and the exultation of vice. And it's weepy wimps like John Boehner and other establishment Republicans who have helped to enable this debacle. If it came down to a fight between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House John Boehner, I'd have to put my money on Harry Reid. He fights dirty, but he fights. And you know where he stands. Reid promised he wouldn't work with Romney. Does anybody really think he's willing to work with the Republican establishment eunuchs?  Remember the message to Laodicea in the Book of Revelation:
I know your deeds; I know you are neither hot nor cold. How I wish you were one or the other -- hot or cold! But because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth!"   (Revelation 3:15-16)
Who's hot and whose lukewarm in this fight? Who in Congress has fought for the innocent babies in the womb like Congressman fought for and against slavery in the 19th century?

As for both of these men talking about a "mandate" from the people, that's nonsense? While the popular vote totals won't be final for some time, the difference will likely be between two and three percentage points. That's no mandate; it shows a deeply divided country that elects liberals for president, but continues to favor conservatives in the House of Representatives, the body closest to the people. Why did liberals win the national election? Blacks voted for the black, Latinos voted for the one most likely to keep the borders open to illegals, many evangelicals don't vote, and the Catholic divide between orthodox and cafeteria heretics makes our voice irrelevant. That final reality is the saddest of all. We, who are called to be salt and light to the earth had absolutely no influence on the election.

As for John Boehner, he's no fighter and he's out of his league with the Chicago-style politicians. The only message his wimpy conciliation sends to Dirty Harry and his thugs is that they can mop the floor with the House Republicans while blaming them for being bullies! It's their way.


  1. Perhaps if the president's economic policies succeed, fewer women will be seeking abortion.

  2. Yes, I heard that too. Quite frankly, with due respects to President Obama, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Trinity is my leader not President Obama or anyone else other then the present Pope considering Church teaching. My daughter and her husband are teaching their girls that boys and boys and girls and girls cannot get married no matter who tells them otherwise, and a princess is a girl and the prince is a boy. Isn't it awful that some of the public and even private schools have taken the "you can be anything you want" theme to such extremes? My daughter is mainly homeschooling her girls, and she and another Catholic mother are going to teach their chidlren together at my daughter's house. They will combine religious and good secular materials. One daughter does need to go to speech at a public school but that is a small class where my daughter can stay and see just who is teaching her and what.

  3. He know Obama won't lead and he will make him look like a fool, cause he will have to take responsiblity for his own failures.

  4. Sure looks to me like America is over. The question now is how long and how excruciating will it be before we are finally economic, moral, social and religious dust. I pray that Obama and his spineless cohort, John Boehner, will have their way with us quickly. I pray God will spare us the excruciating slow drip-by-drip torture of watching our country and our people descend into hell.

    Mary Greene

  5. I think this has been coming for a long time: think about it.
    It is justgetting worse that is all, Obama is not the problem , we are , we are not ON FIRE for the TRUTH and we better get serious about all this: Our Faith, Jesus Christ and His Church !
    The promise : The Gates of Hell will not prevail against HER, Holy Mother Church will survive ...HER REMNANT will rise at the appointed time until the Chastisement is upon us ...God Bless! Be strong and TRUST in HIM who is THE WAY, TRUTH and LIFE!

  6. Well, maybe we aren't happy about this but the people have spoken and Barack Obama is our President. As Saint Paul insructs us we must pray for him and all who are in authority. We must never despair of the Grace of God and its ultimate victory

  7. Absolutely! But we need to fight to try to stop Caesar from taking what belongs to God. And we need to re-evangelize the culture. Our post-Christian society is worse than the pagan Romans. They at least had the excuse of ignorance.

  8. Anonymous at 2:54, do you really think John Boehner can make anyone look like a fool? And do you really think Obama will ever take responsibility? They will blame the House Republicans for putting up roadblocks in all their enlightened acts. Remember the blame heaped on Paul Ryan and the faux Catholics who claimed he violated Church teaching by not going along with their socialism? It will be deja vu all over again.

  9. Having lived in a country with a religious-based government that suppressed anyone and anything that did not go along with their religion, I am rather glad to be back in the good, old secular USA. Are there faults? Heck, yes. But citizens of this country are free to live their faulty lives however they see fit. People here who complain about their lost "freedoms" have no idea what they are complaining about. I'd rather see gays get married than see girls forced into marriages ("legitimate" rape) at age 12 or younger. I can't help but think that is more of a sin.

  10. So...because there are tyrannical countries around the globe, losing freedoms here in the U.S. makes no difference? Forcing Catholic hospitals and schools to pay for abortion coverage is okay?

    As for forcing 12-year-olds to marry being "more of a sin" than gay marriage, does that mean gay marriage is okay? Y

    our logic escapes me. Tyranny begins with a single injustice. Persecution in Germany began with the Aryan paragraph excluding all non-Aryans from the civil service and from serving in the German church. We all know where that ended up.

  11. Boehner needs a brain transplant? How about a spinal infusion? More likely the House needs a "speaker transplant".

  12. You are an ignorant, close minded, very un-Christ like person. You make me sick.

  13. And you, Brenda, appear to be a typical liberal who thinks name-calling is an argument. You remind me of little kids on the playground who stick out their tongues and call their classmates "stupid."

    Hmmm...isn't that bullying?

  14. A different anonymous, but yes, I do think that gay marriage is OK. Just because your religion doesn't like it doesn't mean you get to say so for the rest of us. I don't think forcing any child into marriage or sex is OK, but whatever two consenting adults want to do (or heck, more than 2 as long as they are adults) is up to them. I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you and your narrow viewpoint.

  15. "I do think that gay marriage is okay."

    So what is your definition of marriage, Anonymous? I agree that consenting adults are able to be as immoral as they want to be and I have no intention of trying to stop their PRIVATE depravity except through exhortation. (I don't want anyone to go to hell.) But marriage is not a private affair. So why should YOU be allowed to impose YOUR opinion on the country?

    And I repeat my question, what is your definition of marriage? We should know what we're talking about.

  16. Marriage is the state of being united to a person in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. That's the dictionary definition. Typically in the past it has had language regarding "the opposite sex." However, I think that is discriminatory.

  17. If marriage is nothing but a "consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law" what limits it to only two people? Can adults consent and contract for polygamy?

  18. Sure - but that's something already allowed in many parts of the world. Polygamy is allowed in more than 40 countries. Same sex marriage is currently allowed in 12 countries. The problem with polygamy as it is exists in many areas is exactly what a previous poster alluded to - too often it forces girls into early sexual relationships. For the record and I want to be very clear about this: I do not endorse the early sexualization of children or adolescents. I think that all children should be cared for and cherished, educated and respected. And I think that adults, over the age of 21, should be able to marry whomever they chose.

  19. Thanks for giving us the dictionary definition of marriage BUT God has HIS OWN definition and HIS LAW and HIS WAYS are not listed in the dictionary they are listed in HIS CHURCH , Holy Scripture and the Magisterium ...I must uphold God's Laws and His Ways at all times ...not the dictionaries !

  20. Some people think 12-year-olds are adults so who are you to impose your morality on them? The North American Man Boy Love Associations says "Sex before 8 or else it's too late."

    How does same sex marriage contribute to the common good and build up society? Strong families have always been the basic unit of civilization. In your opinion that should be thrown out for a social experiment.

  21. Yes anyone over 21 years of age can marry whoever they want too..but what will the say to the Good Lord when HE says to them : Into the fires of HELL for all eternity : For you did not OBEY MY Church or MY Teachings !

  22. Sodomy is unnatural and unhealthy and dangerous to the body. For society to allow two men to marry is to give its approval to that kind of unhealthy and dangerous behavior. In essence it would be society telling such couples that the behavior is all right, thus making itself an accomplice to any injuries and diseases that the two people contact. I certainly am not ready to and never will be ready to do that. Also, such false "marriages" would encourage two Lesbians to have children by artificial means and deliberately deprive a child of both a father and a father, which is child abuse. Every child has a right to be raised by a mother and a father whenever possible. In fact ALL children do have a mother and a father, but same-sex couples would deliberately choose to deprive them from having both in the home. children need both parents in the home in order to learn how to properly relate to the opposite sex. This generation has been called the "Me Generation" -- meaning selfish -- and the fact that many are even encouraging and/or approving such false "marriages" is proof the label is correct. No other generation has come up with such a totally selfish idea for having children. One young woman wrote how when she was younger she had to see or change the filthy sheets (fecal matter on them) from her father's relations with other men. Many people do not want to hear the details, but sometimes they just need to be told to protect innocent children, as disgusting as the details are. there having been other horror stories that have come out, such as the two Lesbians who are changing the sex of one of their sons while he is a child. Get your heads out of the sand people and stop denying how just plain evil all this is.
