Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Perverts at Planned Parenthood's Next Target: the Children!

Sex in the Playpen  That's what the sickos at Planned Parenthood want, and they're outlining it in a power point presentation called Exclaim! Young People's Guide to 'Sexual Rights: An IPPF declaration'. They call it "a world of possibilities" where "sexuality and sexual pleasure are important for young people," where children have the "right to autonomy...before the law." Get 'em hooked on sex early and their abortion business will never dry up!

And here's how Planned Parenthood sees children:
Young people are sexual beings. They have sexual needs, desires, fantasies, and dreams. It's important for all young people around the world to be able to explore, experience, and express their sexualities [plural to include LGBT "genders"] in healthy, positive, pleasurable and safe ways.  This can only happen when young people's sexual rights are guaranteed.... 
All young people are entitled to sexual well-being and pleasure whether or not they want to have children. [Note the separation of sex from procreation.]
Therefore, it is important to recognize sexual rights as distinct and equally important to reproductive rights.... 
All people under 18 years [even babies in the cradle as Alfred Kinsey believed - paying pedophiles to masturbate them and measure their "orgasms" ] should enjoy the full range of human rights including sexual rights.... 
Young people's early encounters of sexual pleasure [i.e., sex abuse of children] are very important since they can shape the way they experience and express their sexuality in the future. Ensuring that all young people understand that they are entitled to sexual pleasure and how to experience different forms of sexual pleasure [self-stimulation, mutual masturbation, "outercourse," oral sex, sodomy, etc.] are important to their health and well being.
 Now let's get to the heart of the matter. What is the roadblock limiting access of these evil folks to children who are less likely to carry the AIDS virus yet - and so offer fewer risks to the adult perverts who lust for them? PARENTS!  So what's the solution? Proclaim children's rights and eliminate parental rights. Consider that high school counselors have arranged abortions for kids too young to drive to abortion mills. [One example] Here's more from the PP guide about their goals to remove children from parental protection:
Removal of parental involvement or spousal consent laws that prevent young people from seeking sexual and reproductive health services. .... 
Removal of laws that require parental, guardian,or spousal consent for young people to access contraceptive services, safe abortion care, HIV and other STD testing or treatment, and any other sexual health service.... 
Decriminalization of safe abortion services. [Note that elimination of these laws gives PP complete access to children with no legal rights of parents to protect them.] 
We move on to the famous "right to privacy" that, according to PP, entitles children to:
Privacy and confidentiality [They sure don't want the parents to find out and interfere with their selling sex and abortion to children.] at sexuality and reproductive health services.... 
Autonomy to make decisions about one's sexuality in line with the evolving capacity [any age as shown by their willingness to cover up of statutory rape] of young people and without forceful interference from parents, [Those hateful parents don't love their children. PP does.] guardians, or other adult figures..... 
Empowerment to decide when, with whom, and how to have sex....Access to information so that all young people are aware of the their legal and human rights.
I could continue; there's plenty more, but one can only take so much perversion in one sitting. Those who don't see that Planned Parenthood as evil don't know enough about Planned Parenthood. They want unlimited access to children from the youngest ages. And they have it in some states already. Washington state, for example, allows a person of ANY AGE to request and receive sexual services including abortion without parental involvement. Funny thing, if the kid ends up in the emergency room, who do you think is responsible?


  1. Actually, their "targets" have always been children, the babies in the womb. They just wnat the born children as well.

  2. Just as the true (human) beneficiaries of legalized abortion were abortionists (and, secondarily, womanizers), so the true beneficiaries of "child sexual freedom" are child molesters. Cigarette smoking today is all but a felony, but we want to make the world safe for real felons like abortionists and chomos.
