Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Sun Came Up This Morning....

...Romney was never our Savior.

So make an early new year's resolution to pray every day for the President (At my parish we ask for his conversion every Sunday at Mass in the prayers of the faithful.) and for our poor country. And then, raise your children to be martyrs. I think we've reached the tipping point. I doubt if a true conservative can ever win a national election again. Too many people have embraced the intrinsic evils of contraception, abortion, fornication, and sodomy. Too many care about nothing but free goodies from the nanny state.     Too many engage in class envy and really believe that just taking more from "the rich" will provide enough money to keep the welfare state going full steam. And too many politicians on both sides of the aisle are opportunists for sale to the highest bidder.

And how is the Republican establishment responding in the post election period? Telling us that what Republicans need to do to win elections is -- become more like Democrats. Ah, "what fools these mortals be." Ann Coulter (whom I can't stand, but she's pretty savvy politically) is pessimistic. She believes we've reached the tipping point.

I agree, and it reminds me of a conversation I had with the good priest who witnessed our marriage. (Rest in peace, Fr. Hugh.) He asked me what I thought it was like for the average man living during the collapse of the Roman empire. Life goes on.

....Of course, the barbarians weren't very friendly and some folks suffered from looting and burning. But, hey, we're already seeing that with flash mob attacks, riots after ball games (even when the team wins!), gangs of youth going crazy, the "knockout game," and looting during disasters. What used to be normal Christian moral values no longer exist in America among a large percentage of the population. No surprise! As Mother Teresa often asked, "If a mother can kill her own baby, what is left for us to do to one another?"

Batten the hatches and keep your rosary running through your fingers. The barbarians are running the country and they've already told us they're out for revenge. These are saint-making times if we remember that "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and serve according to His purpose." Be cheerful and remember the singing Christians in the coliseum. All the wicked can do is take your life; only you can give up eternal happiness in heaven!


  1. Splendid !!!!!
    Romney was not our savior...that is for sure! If you people out there thought he was ....well I won't go there .
    But come what may. we better get one thing straight : WE ARE SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST AND WE ARE IN A BATLLE , plain and simple get your Armor on each and every day, the Rosary in one hand and the Brown Scapular in the other and PRAY unceasingly! GOD WINS folks ! REJOICE

  2. Well evidently, many Americans of various ethnic groups and races do no mind having their children and grandchildren butchered and burned to death in the womb, or else they want it for someone else's children. Either way, i do not feel sorry for them any more. They will reap what they have sow, and so will George Soros one of the chief antichrists behind all this.

  3. Well evidently, many Americans of various ethnic groups and races do no mind having their children and grandchildren butchered and burned to death in the womb, or else they want it for someone else's children. Either way, i do not feel sorry for them any more. They will reap what they sow.

  4. No, Romney was never going to save us. Nor, in the final analysis, is Obama the one who is bringing us down. It is WE OURSELVES who are bringing us down. This country is sick to its heart, and Obama is just the rash it's come out in. Without our deep moral rot, our enslavement to our passions, and our rejection of God and His law, his butt could never have come within 100 miles of the Oval Office. We need to say the Rosary daily and turn our lives around.

  5. Exactly what Anita Moore said. Hear! Hear!

  6. Thank you. I believe that you have summed up the outlook as well as a mortal is permitted. "The Sun Came Up This Morning..." Perfect. What frequency do you tune in to?

  7. To win an election GOPs must act like DemocRATS. Great observation!

    But nevermind Romney. He is not longer relevant.

    But this is on my mind.

    Unbelievable! Cardinal Dolan and some of the bishops of the Church congratulated Obama on getting re-elected. I look at the video of the "victory" by the people and the only thing that enters my mind is that these sheeple are not aware that they are celebrating SIN -- marijauna now made legal, marriage for the sodomites, willful killing of the unborn ...

    Unbelievable that the bishops helped uninformed Catholics in reelecting Obama. Who else would have made the reelection possible but them Catlicks.
