Monday, December 24, 2012

It's Snowing in Woodstock - Come Lord Jesus

"And his garments became shining and exceeding white as snow, so as no fuller upon earth can make white." Mark 9:3
The Christmas tree is lit and laden with all the ornaments filled with memories of Christmas past. The beds are all made awaiting little (and big) guests. The roast and the chicken are ready for preparation and the fruitcake is decorated for the celebration of Christmas present. Christmas future hides behind time's veil, but everything pints to it coming in a world spiraling into darkness.

But no matter how dark and dismal the culture; no matter how gloomy the signs of the times, Christians light candles and praise God's goodness. Be not afraid as so many popes and saints say. Remember the Irish with their St. Bridget crosses thrust into the thatched roofs. Remember the hidey holes in Elizabethan England filled with vestments and holy vessels awaiting the onset of holy Mass. Remember the Roman catacombs where the early Christians gathered for prayer and buried their dead. And remember the prisoners of God who suffered and died with songs and words glorifying God on their lips. "Viva Cristo Rey!"

Many souls are saved in times of persecution. We have nothing to fear as long as we build our homes on the rock of the faith and stand with our backs against the sturdy wood of the cross. No enemy can defeat the Word who created the universe. Christ is coming on a cloud of heaven to judge the earth. He is King of King and Lord of Lords. When you see Him in the manger, remember He sits at the right hand of God in heaven.

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