Thursday, December 27, 2012

On the Third Day of Christmas...

One set of grandchildren left with our son and his wife today so we went on a pilgrimage to the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington for a twenty decade rosary. The decorations were beautiful and we enjoyed the many nativity scenes and all the shrines honoring Mary under her many titles. I picked up a card about Our Lady of Sorrows and all the promises to those who honor her under that title.

Before heading home, we stopped at our daughter's in Fairfax and "kidnapped" four grandchildren for another Christmas adventure. Roller skating tomorrow and a birthday party for a Noel girl and a phone call to her cousin who shares a birthday on the Feast of the Holy Innocents.

How I love the holidays. Not only are they holy days, but joyous family days. We plan to celebrate the twelve days of Christmas in grand style with grand-children!

I hope you are having as much joyful family fun as we are!

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